2023 hearing health research highlighted by Audiology Worldnews

2023 was a peak year for capturing attention on the links between hearing health and dementia. There were also breakthroughs and consolidations in other aspects of hearing research. Review some highlights of Audiology Worldnews' coverage of these key events.

Published on 07 January 2024

2023 hearing health research highlighted by Audiology Worldnews

Dublin was the host city for a major review of the state of TINNITUS research.


Scholars at King’s College London advanced GENE THERAPY with a summer publication of a study suggesting that, with further work, one type of inner ear dysfunction might be reversed.


Results were finally published from Johns Hopkins scholar Prof. Frank Lin’s ACHIEVE study, and they suggest that a hearing intervention might reduce cognitive change over 3 years in populations of older adults at increased risk for cognitive decline.


There’s nothing like looking closely at things, and MED-EL’s deal with Western University (London, Canada) and the non-profit Canadian research organisation Mitacs has provided the Austrian implant specialists with an astonishing anatomy dataset of synchrotron images showing the cochlea in unprecedented detail. Thanks to MED-EL for sharing these images exclusively through Audiology News UK and Audiology Worldnews.

In a paper published towards the end of the year, Dr. Stéphane F. Maison, principal investigator at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, restored faith in the theory that tinnitus may be triggered by a loss of auditory nerve, research that “definitely brings the hope of a cure closer to reality”, said the academic.


The joy of research translating into something that saves human hearing was what this story on a GENETIC TEST for newborns is all about. Centres in Manchester are buzzing with the rollout of this technology.

Some research is fun and awareness-oriented, even when the tendency of putting up with years of hearing loss is revealed. The retail giant Specsavers saw an opportunity here to make hit ’80s singer Rick Astley part of an amusing focus on misheard lyrics.


Source: Audiology Worldnews articles 2023


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