WHEN does the Digital EUHA Spring Conference 2025 start?
Presentations from the fields of research & science, practice, marketing and communication, and future topics, at basic or advanced levels, are all getting under way at the end of March. Are you ready to learn?
Save the date! The Digital EUHA Spring Conference 2025, the online option from the organisers of the mighty EUHA Congress held each autumn, will start on March 28.
The Spring Conference, which has an international focus boasting presentations translated into English, should be an important training date in the calendars of hearing care professionals.
And presentations - 30 minutes each - are available on demand on the EUHA learning platform - EUHA Learning Hub - until May 31 2025. Manufacturer information from EUHA advertising partners on new products will round off the programme. This means that the new format is also ideal for use when, for example, customer appointments have to be postponed at short notice. This gap can then be used for further training.
EUHA President Beate Gromke urges professionals to take...
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