The dream team behind the EUHA Congress

Who makes EUHA tick? Audio Infos and Audiology Worldnews asked EUHA President, Beate Gromke, to introduce the people - alive or departed - she would most like to have in her team at the 66th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians.

Published on 10 October 2022

The dream team behind the EUHA Congress

Beate Gromke, President of the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians, once again leads the world’s biggest audiology event. In 2022, the organisers will be hoping to climb back to the statistical heights the Congress enjoyed pre-Covid; at its peak, over 8,000 delegates from more than ninety countries visited the event.

The President makes her dream-team pick and tells you why each component of the team is her choice.


Patrizia Lawall

Patrizia Lawall, the managing director, is where all the threads come together. As the event manager, she keeps an eye on everything from A for artists for the Congress Get-together on Thursday evening to V for visitor requests. With her team, she organises and oversees the opening reception, the Congress opening, the programme of specialist lectures, the tutorials, Future Friday, the association meetings, the general meeting of the EUHA, and the Congress Get-together. For me as the president, it is always reassuring to have Patrizia Lawall in view. Because, like a walking Congress encyclopaedia, she knows everything.


All cleaners, and those who go unnoticed

It would be impossible to hold the Congress without the mostly invisible helpers, the cleaning service teams, suppliers, stand builders, and countless other helping hands, those working in the hostess area, in catering, or the admission staff. The Congress only runs smoothly when all fields are well coordinated.


Dr. Stefan Zimmer

Dr. Stefan Zimmer is the Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of the German Hearing Instruments Industry Association (BVHI). The BVHI organises the industry exhibition, which has come to be one of the world’s largest events of its kind, featuring more than 150 exhibitors from over twenty countries at peak times. Dr. Zimmer and his team ensure that the international industry exhibition, with a gross exhibition area of 15,000 square metres, is not only the showcase of the Congress, but that a visit to the trade fair is a real experience. The overall concept of the exhibition in Hall 6 is just as much worth seeing as is each individual stand.


All technicians working  at the EUHA Congress

They are usually dressed in black, and only become visible when something goes wrong. Playing presentations, setting up microphone technology, sound checks, lighting tests, headsets for translation, operating the mixing desk – all of this and a whole lot more, that is what our technicians are in charge of. In addition, they lay endless metres of cable. Our technicians are always ready, ensuring smooth technical processes on site.


Dr. Werner Pistor

I would very much love to welcome Dr. Werner Pistor to the 2022 Congress. He co-founded the EUHA (then: UHA) in 1960 and was the UHA’s first chairman. Werner Pistor passed away in 1987. The first conventions took place in the lecture halls of hospitals. The trade exhibition was held on tables in front of the lecture halls. The latest technology was presented on white tablecloths. If Dr. Werner Pistor were to attend our Congress today, he would be impressed by the programme of specialist lectures, the tutorials, the wide range of topics, and the results of the latest research. If Dr. Pistor were to walk through Hall 6 today and see the magnificent exhibition stands and, above all, our technical possibilities, digitisation, AI, and our great fitting tools, he would be more than amazed and very proud that the Congress has developed so well.


Numerous apprentices, because they are our future

For the first time, we will be offering a special ticket for apprentices on Friday. Young talents are our future! That’s why we have a special rate for apprentices on Future Friday. Apprentices are ambassadors for our profession. It would be nice if as many apprentices as possible could use our special ticket and attend the Congress. That, too, is a part of securing our future. Future Friday is also an ideal event to show young people a way into the future of our industry, and open up professional perspectives for them.


Martin Blecker

Martin Blecker was the EUHA’s President for twelve years. During his term in office, the Congress became the world’s largest event in our line of business. His numerous international contacts have increased awareness for the Congress. In 2021, Martin Blecker suddenly passed away. He was a networker and a personality well-known throughout the industry. It would be wonderful if Martin Blecker could be present at the opening ceremony of the Congress. He would certainly let us know that the EUHA is on the right track.


Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther

Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther, the director of the German Economic Institute (IW) in Cologne, will give the keynote address at the opening ceremony of the Congress on Wednesday, October 12. He is mentioned here as a representative of all speakers at the Congress. Without them, no flow of information would be possible, they secure our intellectual assets, our know-how, and make sure that we stay technically up to date. This is crucial!


Dr. Jochen Köckler

Dr. Jochen Köckler is Chairman of the Managing Board of Deutsche Messe AG in Hanover. The Congress could not be held without his team; Deutsche Messe AG offers an ideal infrastructure for the International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians. Dr. Köckler is mentioned here as a representative of all his employees, those working in the fields of organising the event, hall planning, hall inspection, security staff, and many more! The 2022 EUHA Congress cannot take place without the trade fair operator, Deutsche Messe.

Source: Audio Infos UK issue 149 July-August 2022

Beate Gromke/Audio Infos

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