EUHA 2022 hearing science programme now available

Full details of the scientific programme at this year's 66th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians - EUHA - have now been announced.

Published on 15 August 2022

EUHA 2022 hearing science programme now available

The opening ceremony, at 10:00 on Wednesday October 12, brings a keynote address by Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther from the Cologne-based German Economic Institute. This will be followed at 11:00 by a chance for delegates to catch up on current research through the science symposium, which includes an award ceremony for this year’s EUHA Sponsorship Award. Also to be announced will be the sponsorship award offered by the Research Association of German Hearing Aid Acousticians (FDHA) to the best paper.


EUHA specialist lectures 2022


More than twenty-five expert lectures and six tutorials from the fields of Research & Science, Practical Application, Marketing & Communication, Public Health Politics & the Future will be featured in the EUHA 2022 specialist programme. This will include a series of public health policy topics on Thursday October 13.

The lectures in the scientific programme will offer new perspectives on topics such as speech perception in people with asymmetric hearing loss (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoppe, Erlangen) and after CI fitting (Dr. Thomas Hocke, Hanover), as well as recognition of one’s own voice (Maja Serman, Ph.D., Erlangen). There will also be an overview of 25 years of paediatric acoustics (Siegrid Meier, M.A., Lübeck).


EUHA 2022 Tutorials


Highlights among tutorials held in the Convention Center will be overviews on percentile analysis (Thorsten Knoop, Kiel; in German only), additive earmould manufacturing (Andreas Schultheiss, B.A., Heimbsheim; in German only), and coaching skills for executives (Dr. Birgitta Gabriel, Ellerbek). Check the programme to confirm which tutorials are only in German.


EUHA 2022 Future Friday, October 14


Four keynote speeches will cover areas of future focus, starting at 14:00, and seasoning debate on what hearing systems of the future will look like; how they will perform; what trends will influence the future; and what the hearing systems industry needs to prepare for.

Download the EUHA 2022 programme here.

Source: EUHA


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