Beate Gromke new EUHA President


On October 17, the General Assembly of the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) elected the Executive Committee of the EUHA for the next three years.

Beate Gromke new EUHA President

The EUHA members have voted Beate Gromke President of the EUHA. Eva Keil-Becker will bethe association’s Vice President, and Jürgen Matthies its Vice President and Treasurer.

Beate Gromke is the first woman to lead the EUHA. Her goals are to maintain the high standard of the International Congress Hearing Aid Acousticians, to put the Congress and the EUHA even more in the spotlight on an international level, and to provide better opportunities for connecting EUHA members.

After the elections, Beate Gromke said: “I should like to thank our members for the confidence placed in me, and look forward to my new position. It makes me proud to be able to help shape the EUHA . We have a young, committed executive committee that will support me in doing so. I consider it important to tackle the tasks ahead together.”

Beate Gromke wishes to thank her predecessor Martin Blecker, who, after 27 years on the EUHA Executive Committee,passed on the baton of leadership to her on 17 October 2018, and the former EUHA Vice President Harald Bonsel, who retired from the Executive Committee after twelve years of commitment.

Beate Gromke has been a master crafts woman of hearing aid acoustics since 1997, and now heads Gromke Hörzentrum in Leipzig, a medium-sized family business. She is personally committed to a trade-specific orientation and a high quality of further education and advanced vocational training offered by the EUHA. She has been a member of the EUHA since 2006, and was a member of the EUHA Council of Honour from 2009 to 2012. Since 2010, she has been on the EUHA Executive Committee and has headed the Audiology Expert Group (formerly: Percentiles Working Group). She has been involved in developing several guidelines, e.g. EUHA Guidelines such as the “Wireless remote microphone systems –configuration, verification and measurement of individual benefit” and “Hearing aid fitting using percentile analysis”. Moreover, she collaborated in preparing relevant technical instructions such as “Calibrating test boxes” or “Checking the MPO signal”. Beate Gromke heads the regional conference in the Eastern part of Germany, and chairs tutorials at the Congress.

Source: EUHA

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