Audio Infos LATAM #58: Yes to implants -along with retraining
Summer issue of bilingual Audio Infos Latin America is already available on our renovated free-access digital platform.
July and August were two months brimming with information in the audiology world, some of it generated by the world Otorhinolaryngology congress held in Paris, where we had a face-to-face encounter with Dr. Héctor E. Ruiz, the renowned Argentinian professional who has specialised in implants throughout a long career.
He maintains that implants are indicated with increasing frequency, and this much is true; nevertheless, for Mexican speech-language pathologist Sigrid Broda, implants are not sufficient and an auditory verbal intervention must always be pare of the the process of “learning” to hear. These positions turn out to be complementary when viewed from each knowledge area, and they undoubtedly lead to interesting reflections on the question of access to technology, and also on treatment.
This is where the importance of electrophysiology lies, in diagnoses, treatment, and rehab for voice disorders, language, and hearing, as is explained in this issue by Dr. José Juan Barajas, who has received the hearing prize from the American Academy of Audiology for his many contributions to the knowledge base.
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