Fundraiser puts the kettle on for people with tinnitus


The British Tinnitus Association (BTA)’sTea for Tinnitus campaign is asking peopleacross the country to sign up and hold a teaparty to increase awareness of the conditionand in turn, donate as much money as possiblefor the charity.

Fundraiser puts the kettle on for people with tinnitus

Tea for Tinnitus is being runthroughout June to help raise vital funds so they can support theestimated 10 per cent of the UK population who are living with theoften debilitating hearing condition. The campaign will help the BTAto continue to provide vital resources such as its tinnitus helpline andemail support, free to attend information days, information leafl ets andbooklets and much more. The BTA receives no government funding soevery penny raised through these tea parties will be vital in helping theapproximately six million UK adults who live with persistent tinnitus.

David Stockdale, chief executive of the charity, said: “We’re so gratefulto everybody who’s got involved in the Tea for Tinnitus campaign so far,by organising and hosting their own events and we hope many morewill follow suit. Gathering friends, family and work colleagues togetherto help us raise money which will go such a long way and allow the BTAto maintain and enhance the support we already provide. “Tinnitus canbe a very diffi cult condition to manage but we know that with the rightsupport it does get better and people can get their quality of life backso it is vital we can continue to provide the best help possible to thosewho need it which is what Tea for Tinnitus is all about.”

Source: BTA

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