Audio Infos UK - issue 111 available at the BSHAA
Audio Infos
We are doing something very un-Britishin our next issue… We are celebrating thesuccesses of some of our hearing careprofessionals!
Our special featurelooks at two English hearing healthcareprofessionals and one American who runvery successful hearing care practices.But not content with a fantastic business,these enterprising individuals also have asecond prosperous focus. An additionalbusiness, another revenue stream anda global-influencer are celebrated inour dossier.
This issue is being distributed on the delegates’ bags at the BSHAA congress starting tomorrow, 12th May, in Colchester, so we haveincluded a preview of the event withinformation of some of the companieswho will be in the exhibit hall; there is alsoan interview with one of the Americanswho will be presenting at the event.If you specialise in paediatric audiologythen a precis of the recently publishedNDCS Listen Up! report is in this issue.The charity has several recommendationsfor NHS England and the Departmentof Health.
Here are the contents of our 111th issue:
- News of the profession and updates from BAA and BSHAA
- At the heart of the matter
- Paediatrics / NDCS: Improving children’s hearing services
- Wide angle : Successful independents
- Guy Wolstencroft: entrepreneur
- Curtis Alcock: thought-leader and innovator
- Dr Gyl Kasewurm: coach and mentor
- The specialists
- Business Tips / The purchase process, brand and creating it
- Interview / Vestibular syndromes are a major health problem
- Research and development
- Scientific Focus / Scientific publications
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