Audiologist of the Year: a way to say thank you

AOTY 2017

Time is running out for hearing technology wearersto nominate their audiologist for the coveted Audiologist ofthe Year (AOTY) competition. The deadline for nominations toreach Rayovac is 30th June 2017.

Audiologist of the Year: a way to say thank you

A panel of industry judges will then decide on a winner fromeach of the eight participating countries. The patient whonominates wins a £250 cash prize and a gift bundle worth £200,while the winning audiologist receives a framed certificate,£250, a year’s subscription to Audio Infos plus a PR supportprogramme to help them raise awareness of the award.

Once the country winners are announced, the top audiologistsfrom the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Sweden,Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland will battle it out forthe title of European Audiologist of the Year. The overall winnerwill receive the European award at an Evening of Excellenceat the EUHA in October and a prize of £2,500.

To mark 10 years of AOTY, Rayovac gave the competition abrand overhaul and introduced a new sponsor, the EuropeanFederation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH), who joinlongstanding partners Audio Infos, and the European HearingInstrument Manufacturers Association (EHIMA).

Paula Brinson-Pyke, Marketing Director at Rayovac, said:“Every year we hear from countless people whose inspirationalstories highlight the care and dedication of some of the UKand Ireland’s most devoted hearing care professionals.“AOTY is free and straightforward to enter and provides agreat platform to say thank you to your audiologist for their lifechangingwork. With the deadline for entries fast approachingyour audiologist could be crowned Europe’s best, and the firststep is nominating them for the competition.”All nominations must be submitted by patients, howeveraudiologists can promote the competition in their practiceby downloading promotional materials from the competition website.

For further information about the competition and to sign up to our newsletter, please visit or follow the competition on Facebook @AudiologistoftheYear or Twitter @AOTY_EU.

Source: Rayovac


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