Hannah Dorothy: 8th Judith Gravel Fellowship in Pediatric Audiology


The recipient of the 2017/18 Judith Gravel Fellowship in Pediatric Audiology is Ms. Hannah Dorothy, a third-year doctoral student in audiology at East Carolina University.

Hannah Dorothy: 8th Judith Gravel Fellowship in Pediatric Audiology

The fellowship by the Hear the World Foundation and the University of North Carolina honors the memory of Dr. Gravel by promoting the highest standards of pediatric audiology education and clinical practice.

Hannah, a native of Illinois, completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Science and Disorders in 2014 at Western Illinois University. She has an impressive history of community and volunteer service and is described by her mentors as a team player who demonstrates compassion, exceptional organizational skills, and proficiency in both the technical and interpersonal aspects of clinical audiology.

Her special interests lie in pediatric audiology including the early identification and management of infants and young children. A variety of pediatric research and clinical experiences during her graduate program at East Carolina University shaped her desire to work in a hospital setting with children.

Gaining insights through clinical practice

Hannah will begin her fourth-year externship in May 2017 at UNC Hospitals where she will be the eight Gravel Fellow. As a fourth year extern at UNC Hospitals she will gain extensive experience and mentoring in the diagnosis and management of infants and young children with hearing loss including many with complex needs. Hannah states: “I am extremely grateful to receive this award as it affords me the opportunity to expand my clinical skills within a uniquely challenging pediatric setting. I am eager to begin learning from the experienced audiologists and staff at UNC Hospitals.” Dr. Gravel’s work and legacy continues to positively impact current and future clinicians, and I am humbled and honored to receive such a prestigious award in her name in the lives of children with hearing loss.

Source: Hear the World Foundation

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