The EUHA changes its name in German


In mid-March, the EUHA indicated that it decided during its general assembly on October 19, 2016 to now be known in German as the European Union of Hearing Acousticians (Europäische Union der Hörakustiker e.V.), removing the idea of hearing aids from the name, to focus on the human component.

The EUHA changes its name in German

EUHA was founded in1960 as the Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (Union der Hörgeräte-Akustiker). The name change came into effect in February this year. However, the English translation of the organization’s name – European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) – will not be affected.

With the name change, the EUHA aims to highlight the changes in the profession and the job profile. “The focus has shifted from technology to people, placingman at the center of hearing aid fitting,” indicates a recent press release. Rehabilitation, extended services and holistic consulting offered to customers are integral parts of hearing aid fitting to compensate for hearing impairment.

Moreover, the new concept “hearing acoustician” is aimed at emphasizing the preventive tasks involved in the profession, which involve the protection and maintenance of hearing. With the name change, hearing takes on more meaning. Conscious perception and hearing are now the primary focus, rather than technology, which, even of the highest quality, is still a means to an end.

At a time when people think that everything can be perceived visually, this is an important signal. “Technology has reached a very high level. But it only serves customers if it is adapted professionally to the individual hearing requirements of a given person,” according to a newsletter. This has now also been recognized by the legislator.

“We consider this name change a clear signal of our efforts for the benefit of people,” says EUHA President Martin Blecker. “We are not just hearing aid specialists. We are the link between people and technology. Without hearing aid acousticians, innovative technology would be of little use to people. Our change of name is another step towards the future.”

At the same time, the new name is a promise for the future to guarantee proven quality in the training sessions and at the international hearing professionals’ congress. “The goodbye to hearing aid acoustics goes along with a warm welcome to all those who appreciate the value of hearing.”

Source: Audio Infos Germany

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