Audiologist of the Year 2016: Congratulations to our 8 country winners!

Audiology Worldnews wants to introduce you the winners of the Audiologist of the Year 2016 contest.

Audiologist of the Year 2016: Congratulations to our 8 country winners!

This annual competition is run in partnership between Rayovac, Audio Infos and the European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (EHIMA). Congratulations to these great professionals!

Austria: Reinhard Fenzl

Reinhard Fenzl

Reinhard Fenzl who works for Hörgeräte Akustik Fenzl in Linz has scooped the coveted title of Audiologist of the Year 2016, after a heartfelt nomination from one of his patients swung the judges’ decision.

As a child Reinhard’s patient, Christina Bock, couldn’t hear or understand everything and the cause was unclear. She found conversations without eye contact were challenging and her hearing condition impacted on her day to day life. However, the results of various listening tests by an ear, nose and throat specialist didn’t reveal anything and only after finally being referred to Reinhard did her hearing situation improve.

Christina said: “Eventually when I met Reinhard he spent a lot of time with me, was very sensitive and incredibly interested in my life story. Despite the lack of clear medical findings and after many discussions and a long back and forth, he suggested simply trying a hearing aid in one ear.

“I am currently 27 years old and am still incredibly grateful to Reinhard for helping me back then, despite there being no medical need for hearing aids according to the hearing tests. My quality of life has improved enormously thanks to his dedication. We frequently discuss the latest developments in the hearing aid market and every few years try out the technical progress made by new devices.”

Read the whole story (Audio Infos Germany website)

France: Pierre-Olivier Grenot

Pierre Olivier Grenot

Pierre-Olivier Grenot who works for Laboratoire de l’audition GRENOT in Dole has scooped the coveted title of Audiologist of the Year 2016

Pierre’s patient, Karine Blanchot has suffered with severe deafness for almost 30 years. After experiencing treatment from a number of different audiologists, she first visited Pierre six years ago and has had her hearing situation transformed.

Karine said: “With Pierre, you can tell he has a passion for his profession. He follows the latest technologies, has innovative material and doesn’t do his job just to earn a living. He puts all his energy into the patient being fitted in the best conditions, gives good advice and helps us manage the paperwork.

Read the whole story (Audio Infos France website)

Germany: Thomas Müller

Thomas Müller

Thomas Müller who works for Hörakustik Meister in Duisbur is German AOTY this year. Thomas was nominated by Elisabeth Zagoricnik on behalf of her 91 year-old grandmother. Her grandmother began her treatment with Thomas after a chance encounter on a bus journey. Elisabeth, who was reluctant to wear hearing aids, didn’t hear Thomas ask if the seat next to her was free and the relationship began. Thomas helped Elisabeth to understand her hearing loss and reassure her about the benefits of hearing devices, putting a lot of effort into his approach, his advice and the selecting and fitting of her device.

Elisabeth’s grand-daughter said: “My grandmother had heard many horror stories about hearing aids from her friends, which, with the help of Thomas, she didn’t have to experience at all. Now she is completely transformed, participating more in conversations, is more present, and no longer has the blues.

“Now her whole parish are customers of Thomas and everyone is thrilled. Thank you Thomas.”

Read the whole story (Audio Infos Germany website)

Ireland: Peter Ferguson

Peter Ferguson

Peter Ferguson of Ferguson’s Hearing Aid Clinic in Limerick has scooped the coveted title of Audiologist of the Year 2016, after a heartfelt nomination from one of his patients swung the judges’ decision.

Peter’s patient, Mary Fitzgerald, has been deaf since birth and her hearing had become progressively worse over the years, which was making life extremely difficult for her.

Mary said: “Peter never gave up on me. In 2013 I was accepted for a cochlear implant. Prior to being accepted I was tested by a scientist from the USA who had to check my hearing aids to make sure they were giving me the best possible hearing. The tests revealed that my aids were already some of the best and no further improvements could be made for me.

“On my journey I met several people on the cochlear implant list, but were turned away because their hearing aids were not good enough at all. This would never happen with Peter, he would make sure you were achieving the maximum hearing. It is with great confidence that I still have to attend Peter for a hearing aid in my other ear.”

Netherlands: Wilgis Schoffelmeijer

Wilgis Schoffelmeijer

Wilgis Schoffelmeijer who works for Hoorcentrum Westerkwartier in Zuidhorn has scooped the title of AOTY 2016. As a lecturer, Wilgis’s patient Arie Dekker had been experiencing more and more difficulty hearing her students. After visiting a number of audiologists without much success, Arie visited Wilgis’s practice, Hoorcentrum Westerkwartier.

Arie said: “My first impression of Hoorcentrum Westerkwartier was very positive. They were professional, asked the right questions and knew well how to further assist me through all the steps that were necessary.

“I am 61 years old now and do my work as a lecturer with a lot of enjoyment again and will be able to continue doing so for the next four to six years. My quality of life has improved markedly thanks to the expertise and skills and effort invested by the Wilgis. I can’t imagine that there is a better hearing care specialist anywhere.”

Spain: Bibiana Sovieri González

Bibiana Sovieri González

She who works for CEA SCP in Las Palmas and she is Spanish Audiologist of the Year. Bibiana’s patient, Saúl Darío Díaz Ruíz’s hearing impairment began at a very young age and affected her school life, impacting on both her education and enjoyment. Visits to numerous specialists failed to identify the problem.

Saúl said: “My parents turned to Bibiana as a last resort, hoping for a glimpse of light at the end of an unending dark tunnel. My father’s suspicions were confirmed—I had bilateral hearing impairment (profound sensorineural hearing loss, or SNHL).

“Bibiana not only endeavoured to find a solution for me, but offered us the support we needed – something truly essential under those circumstances. She fought so that I would have an improved quality of life, which is why I’ve been seeing her for years to continue undergoing convenient testing. She is an uplifting person who is always available to help you with anything, and who will get to the root of the problem and find a solution.

“At the age of 15, she gave me the chance to get a closer look at the life of an audiologist. I set aside time merely to see how she treats patients and looks for solutions to the day to day problems she’s faced with. As a result, I studied audioprosthetics and am blessed to say that I am now doing my internship with her, learning at her side.”

Read the whole story (Audioenportada)

Sweden: Åsa Skagerstrand

Asa Skagerstrand

Åsa Skagerstrand who works for Audiologisk klinik has scooped the coveted title of Audiologist of the Year 2016, after a heartfelt nomination from one of her patients swung the judges’ decision.

Åsa’s patient, Matilda, was just six years old when she first lost her hearing – a traumatic event for to cope with at such a young age. After years of struggling with hearing devices that weren’t right for her, Matilda’s life was transformed when Åsa was recommended by another hearing care professional.

Matilda said: “Åsa is kind-hearted, she listens and she is honest. She can admit when she is unsure, or when she is not happy with an outcome. Her honesty proves to me that she doesn’t give up, she is determined and does everything she can for other people.

“She makes sure I understand and that I am involved when she makes adjustments to the hearing aids. I finally began to hope that I could find a pair of hearing aids that would work for me. She has extensive knowledge of how different hearing aids work and makes sure that I never leave the room with hearing aids I’m not happy with. I really appreciate this about her way of working, and I’m so happy to have her as my audiologist.”

United Kingdom: Duncan Collet-Fenson

Duncan Collet-Fenson

Duncan Collet-Fenson of Aston Hearing Services in Amersham is UK’s AOTY this 2016. Duncan was nominated by his patient Nicola Magrath, a mother of two with long-term hearing loss.

Nicola said: “Thanks to the continued support of Duncan my story is a happy but complex one. He and his team have been there for me at every turn.

Read more

Next stage: European Audiologist of the Year

Judging is now taking place to decide which of the country winners from the participating countries will win the overall title of European Audiologist of the Year. The winner will receive a cash prize along with a certificate, which will be presented at the annual Evening of Excellence in Hanover, October 19th, during the EUHA Congress.

Let’s congratulate once more these top audiologists while wishing them all the very best of luck!

Source: Rayovac


Photos: Rayovac

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