First Certificate Training Program for Future Audiology Preceptors launched


The American Board of Audiology® has announced the launch of its Certificate Holder – Audiology Preceptor (CH - AP™) Training Program for licensed audiologists and university faculty audiologists who provide the vitally important audiological clinical instruction that is required for audiology students to earn their degrees.

The new CH-AP, which will be available throughthe American Academy of Audiology eAudiology Web-based platform,is the first national assessment-based certificate training program for audiology preceptors and was created to offer ease of access to valuable training materials that will offer comprehensive, uniform, and formaltraining.

“Preceptorsare responsible for more thanone-fourthof an audiologystudent’s educational experience, which is an incredible responsibility.These dedicated audiologists have taken on the role of coach, teacher, role model, mentor, and evaluator. They have an essential role in theaudiologyeducational modelandoften arethe last teachers a student has before graduation,” said Meagan Lewis, AuD, chair of the ABA Board of Governorsand holder of the ABA Board Certified in Audiology®credential and the ABA Cochlear Implant SpecialtyCertification (CISC®).

“Awell-trained preceptor is essential to helping students becomepractice-ready clinicians, prepared with the technical and professional skillsthey’ll need to be successful; the CH-APTraining Programis designed to do that forcurrent andfuture audiologists,”Dr. Lewis said.

More infos on the program on the ABAwebsite.

Source: American Board of Audiology

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