Hearing health: only for the youngest?


Audio Infos Latin America, one of the international magazines on Audiology Worldnews' scope, presents a January-February issue that looks from a number of different angles at subjects related to the 'elderly',

Hearing health: only for the youngest?

a population age group under the spotlight because it has become a challenge for both producers of hearing aids and state policy makers in Latin America, where elderly adults are on the increase while hearing health cover for them is falling. What does this question look like in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico?

Besides this bilingual dossier, the issue advances info on the 14th International Symposium of the Mexican Association of Communication, Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics (AMCAOF), which takes place in Mexico in March and will be based around care and research into geriatric patients, their importance, treatment, and rehabilitation. The magazine gives preliminary details on the 10th National and International Audiology Congress and Expo 2016 to be held in Colombia mid-February, an event where professionals can debate central auditory processing, cochlear implants, and vestibular rehabilitation.

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