Audiology Conferences 2022: EUHA - Still the biggest audiology event in the world

One of the most welcome signs of the audiology sphere's recovery from the ravages of Covid-19 is the return of conferences, and this year's EUHA Congress in Hanover, Germany showed it is getting back to previous highs as the biggest hearing event of them all. Organisers registered an overall count of 7,400 visitors, which means the show's pre-pandemic target of 9,000 is again in sight.

Published on 23 November 2022

Audiology Conferences 2022: EUHA – Still the biggest audiology event in the world

In 2021 – also in Hanover – the Congress took place as the first post-pandemic event of any kind in the great ghostly space of the Deutsche Messe complex. For many, this year’s gathering also had a very domestic feel, but the stats belie this: 2022 saw delegates from 97 countries, a 61 percent increase on international participation over last year. This bodes well for 2023, when the event moves back to its alternate venue in Nuremberg, from October 18 to 20, and will hopefully see many more delegates from Asia and the USA.

EUHA organisers have just announced that lectures on the event’s now established technology day, Future Friday, will be free from now on.

In 2022, the programme featured twenty-six lectures and five tutorials from the fields of Research & Science, Practical Application, Marketing & Communication, Public Health Politics, and the Future. EUHA Sponsorship Awards were presented, with winners spanning graduates from Lübeck Technical University of Applied Sciences, the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, and the Medipol University, Istanbul (Turkey).

The award-winning papers will soon be available on the EUHA website. This year’s FDHA Foundation Award was presented to Dr. Thomas Steffens from the ENT Clinic at Regensburg University.

For the first time, the EUHA showroom was open on all three days of the Congress. Member companies of the German Hearing Instruments Industry Association (BVHI) presented their new products on eleven pedestals. Some 700 participants chose to do some networking while relaxing at the Congress Get-together, which featured live music from Die Bandmanufaktur.\


Source: Audio Infos UK 151 November-December


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