Ron Buck, President and Founder of MedRx retires

Ron Buck, President and Founder of MedRx has announced his retirement after 38 years in hearing healthcare, 28 of them in the audiometric diagnostic equipment space at MedRx, the company Buck founded in 1994 to provide the market with an affordable video otoscope.

Published on 07 September 2022

Ron Buck, President and Founder of MedRx retires

Soon after the successful launch of the MedRx Video Otoscope, he expanded product offerings by taking the otoscope off its cart-mounting, creating a fully PC-based system containing audiometry, real ear measurement, test box measures, and video otoscopy.


Flying hearing aids to Mexico’s poor


Buck’s origins in hearing go back ten years earlier to when his first-hand experience of working with patients was acquired running clinics in the Tampa Bay area, Florida, USA. He worked in and managed his six shops, dispensing products to members of the community, and also doing volunteer work, including flying to Mexico to provide free hearing aids to impoverished communities.

“To successfully run a business like MedRx, you need to have a sense for where the industry is moving and understand how clinicians work with patients. Ron was exceptional at both due to his years of experience dispensing hearing aids prior to founding MedRx. His industry insights allowed MedRx to build products that clinicians could relate to and use with their patients.” said Caleb Sparkman, the incoming President of MedRx.

“Ron is planning an active retirement, with regular travel plans and trips on his boat.” added Sparkman.

Source: MedRx


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