L.A. start-up AudioCardio recognised for its neuroplasticity therapy phone app



A start-up mobile app—AudioCardio—designed to boost neuroplasticity and help sufferers of both hearing loss and tinnitus has caught the prize-picking eyes of the US business magazine, Fast Company.

L.A. start-up AudioCardio recognised for its neuroplasticity therapy phone app

Chosen this May as a finalist in the Wellness category of Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards, AudioCardio and its sound-therapy innovation is the brainchild of a Los Angeles outfit that has so far crowdfunded its way to achieving 708% of its minimum raise. The status of honoree in these business awards will help its momentum.

AudioCardio delivers inaudible sound therapies aimed at stimulating the inner ear cells to help promote and support the neural pathways, says the company. These help form stronger connections the more frequently they are used.

Now in its fifth year, the World Changing Ideas Awards showcase 33 winners, more than 400 finalists, and more than 800 honorable mentions—with Health and Wellness, AI, and Data among the most popular categories. A panel of eminent Fast Company editors and reporters selected winners and finalists from a pool of more than 4,000 entries across transportation, education, food, politics, technology, and more.

˝We’re honored to be recognized for our work in the hearing industry and the impact that our technology can make on the hundreds of millions of people who lack adequate care and solutions. There are many barriers to receiving care, including cost and access to specialists, but a major underlying problem is the negative social stigma associated with solutions on the market. We’re proud to be providing a solution that removes these barriers to provide better access and care for all,” said AudioCardio CEO Chris Ellis.

Meanwhile, Stephanie Mehta, editor-in- chief of Fast Company, commented: “There is no question our society and planet are facing deeply troubling times. So, it’s important to recognize organizations that are using their ingenuity, impact, design, scalability, and passion to solve these problems. Our journalists, under the leadership of senior editor Morgan Clendaniel, have discovered some of the most groundbreaking projects that have launched since the start of 2020.”

Source: AudioCardio


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