65th EUHA 2021: Call for Papers



A call for online submission of papers—with a March 28 deadline—has been issued by the organisers of the 65th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, which is scheduled to take place face-to-face in Hanover, Germany from September 15 to 17.

65th EUHA 2021: Call for Papers

Suggestions should be submitted through this link. EUHA President, Beate Gromke, has invited suggestions for presentations in the following fields: 

  • technology geared to compensate for hearing deficiencies;
  • measurement methods in hearing aid acoustics;
  • medical aspects of hearing;
  • forward-looking topics;
  • miscellaneous.

Papers submitted should fit into one of the following categories:

  • research contribution;
  • practical report;
  • review ;
  • industry update;
  • other.

EUHA 2021 will keep broadly to the most recent shaping of its format, which structures some twenty specialist lectures and numerous training events around the centrepiece of a huge trade show. However, this year’s event will upend the scheduling of the last two shows—the successful 2019 in-person gathering, and the 2020 digital congress—by placing its vibrant afternoon and evening “Future Friday” focus on the final day, rather than as an opener. This special format for looking at tomorrow’s world in hearing acoustics and systems will begin at 1400 on September 17, 2021.

Prior to the pandemic, attendance at EUHA events was topping 8,000 and aspiring to attract around 9,000 delegates, which makes the Congress the biggest audiology event in the world. The success of EUHA 2021 will depend, of course, on how the pandemic situation develops between now and summer 2021.

Source: EUHA


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