2020 UK survey suggests hearing loss self-reporting in UK may significantly top rest of Europe average



A 2020 survey by UK hearing aid manufacturers shows higher UK figures for self-reporting hearing loss than in figures from the latest EuroTrak market survey for the same country, and significantly more than the European average.

2020 UK survey suggests hearing loss self-reporting in UK may significantly top rest of Europe average

According to research carried out on a sample of 2,000 UK adults in the UK in February 2020 by the British Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (BIHIMA), 16% of respondents self-reported suffering from hearing loss. However, in the latest EuroTrak survey of 158,180 people (in 27 EU countries plus Norway, Switzerland, and the UK), the figure that came in for UK self-reporting was lower, at 9.7%, compared to a Europe-wide average of 11%, Poland (15.1%) topping the self-reporting stat, and Ireland (7.5%) at the lower end.

In the BIHIMA survey, 11% of 16-24 year olds surveyed say they suffer hearing loss. This figure doubles to 22% in the over 55 age group, not a surprise given that hearing is known to worsen with age.

From its UK research, BIHIMA highlights that respondents believe on average that hearing should be tested every two to three years, although the association points out that "the average adult in Britain hasn’t had their hearing tested in 10 years."

"Brits take hearing for granted," concludes BIHIMA.

“Not everyone notices a decline in their hearing. It’s often a relative or family friend that raises the subject. We know hearing loss can have a detrimental effect on people’s mental health and the way they live their lives. As a society, we need to encourage everyone to have regular hearing tests and when appropriate be fitted with life changing hearing instruments to prevent unnecessary suffering,” expanded BIHIMA Chairman Paul Surridge.

BIHIMA advises people to get their hearing tested every 3 years, and annually after the age of 55.

Source: BIHIMA


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