Signia runs US promotional competition to give away 10 pairs of Styletto X hearing aids

Signia runs US promotional competition to give away 10 pairs of Styletto X hearing aids



Filling in an online form and sending it to Signia could win you—if you are a US resident—a pair of Signia Styletto X hearing aids. Ten pairs are being given away by the manufacturer in a promotional competition for the new devices.

Signia runs US promotional competition to give away 10 pairs of Styletto X hearing aids

Each winner will also get a free hearing aid fitting with a professional audiologist. The competition is open until the end of 2020.

As part of its personalising features, the Styletto X has a face mask mode—the world's first, claims its maker—which optimises your hearing experience so you can better hear others whose speech can be muffled when wearing a mask.

For full details and rules, and to enter the competition, click here. Only open to US residents.

Source: WS Audiology


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