EUHA half u-turns on congress cancellation to launch digital autumn 2020 event



EUHA 2020 will go ahead after all: a free-of-charge digital version of the world's biggest audiology congress is to run from October 9 to November 8, featuring a broad programme of lectures and keynote presentations, product innovations, and online Q&A sessions.

EUHA half u-turns on congress cancellation to launch digital autumn 2020 event

It was cancelled in May, and organisers announced there would be no EUHA Congress until the rescheduled date of September 15, 2021 for the physical event.

But EUHA organisers have spent their pandemic months rethinking the show as a digital event, one EUHA president Beate Gromke describes as a chance not to be missed : "We have launched the Digital EUHA Congress because we regard the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity. Using the options offered by digitisation to share knowledge and the latest findings, to connect members of our profession, and facilitate interactive formats, is of utmost importance to us," said the Congress leader.

The month-long online version will kick off with the already-scheduled Digital Future Friday (DFF) on October 9, 2020 between 0900 and 1700 CEST. There will be four keynote presentations from internationally renowned speakers from 1400 to 1630 on the most innovative topics from hearing aid acoustics and hearing aid technology, each presentation followed by Q&A in a live chat.

"We are pleased to be able to offer companies an opportunity to present their product and service innovations online this year. A personal exchange of information between manufacturers and customers, usually carried on in an exhibition hall every year, can now comfortably and safely be continued on a digital level," said Dr Stefan Zimmer, Chairman of the Board of the German Hearing Aid Industry Association (BVHI).

After the Digital Future Friday, from October 10, a programme of lectures will make up the EUHA Congress in digital format. These will feature specialist presentations given by speakers from Germany and abroad, who will share the latest expertise from the fields of hearing research, technology, cochlear implants, marketing, earmoulds and hearing protection, listening effort, special-needs devices, and individual fitting for musicians. All lectures will be online from October 10 to November 8, 2020. A digital chatroom will be facilitated every Friday between 1400 and 1500, in which some of the speakers will be happy to answer questions.

EUHA underlines that, although free, the number of spaces available is limited. Attendees can register here. For more information on the Digital Future Friday, the company info points, and the EUHA digital lectures, click here

Source: EUHA


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