EUHA Congress date rescheduled for September 2021



EUHA, the world's biggest hearing gathering, will next take place — all being well — in Hannover, Germany from September 15 to 17, 2021.

EUHA Congress date rescheduled for September 2021

This new date announcement by the organisers, the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) and the German Hearing Aid Industry Association (BVHI), comes just weeks after the decision to cancel the planned October 2020 EUHA Congress because of obstacles created by the coronavirus crisis.

But a "Digital Future Friday" will take place this year on October 9, 2020, with a series of presentations providing insights into future trends in audiology through lectures and presentations by leading experts from Germany and the rest of the world.

Dr Stefan Zimmer, Chairman of the Board of the German Hearing Aid Industry Association: "The postponement of this event, which is the largest in our industry, to next year has been received with great acceptance and positive support. Now that the date has been fixed, this is coupled with a large amount of pleasant anticipation."

Continuing as President of EUHA for this delayed 65th edition of the show, Beate Gromke said: "We look forward to meeting you again in more relaxed times. Please save the September date – and stay healthy!"

Source: EUHA


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