AAA 2020 Conference officially cancelled



Disruption caused by the spread of coronavirus now includes the official cancellation of the 2020 American Academy of Audiology Conference and HearTech Expo. The AAA's Board of Directors unanimously called off the event on Wednesday, March 11. 

The "difficult decision" to cancel the AAA Conference in New Orleans was made, according to the AAA website announcement, "in an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our attendees and the patients they serve (who may be part of at-risk populations)". This was underlined by AAA President, Catherine Palmer, in a video message on the announcement page.

Palmer explains that the AAA cannot risk endangering the "very young and the very old" by holding a national conference.

Up to 4,000 delegates were expected for the event. The AAA has appealed for patience as it manages the fallout from the cancellation. "With a conference of this size, we have many details to address and will need some time to identify answers for you," the message reads.

Hotel reservations will be cancelled by the Academy and hotels will send out a confirmation of this cancellation within 7-10 business days, the AAA explains, while full registration refunds will be offered. "For those who may have already cancelled, the $75 cancellation fee will be refunded. Your refund will be processed within 30-60 days," says the AAA.



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