Survey shows US growth for rechargeable hearing aids



A small survey it may be, with completed forms from just 225 audiologists, but almost 70% of respondents in the 2020 Audiology Professional Dispensing Survey agreed with the statement that they dispensed “significantly more” rechargeable hearing aids in 2019 than in 2018.

Survey shows US growth for rechargeable hearing aids

And more than 30% of those surveyed indicated that in 2020 they expect more than 75% of the hearing aids they dispense to be lithium-ion rechargeable.

The survey is carried out annually by the online hearing resource, Hearing Health Matters (HHTM). It involves 19 questions aimed at discovering industry insights and trends. Click here to see the full 2020 document.

Bundling holds up

Another key outcome of the survey is that the bundled pricing model, under which hearing aids and after care appointments and services are all included into a single price, remains popular with practices. Less than 10% of respondents indicated that they use an "unbundled" model, and approximately 20% use a "partially unbundled" or "hybrid" pricing model.

The full survey also provides data on most popular hearing aid brands, telehealth, top referrals, attitudes on OTC hearing aids, and more. Hearing Health Matters, and its survey is independently financed and not owned by any manufacturer, points out its Group President and CEO, audiologist Kevin Liebe.

Source: HHTM


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