Sonova's film storytelling scoops another Cannes award



As a marketing strategy, making films about talented people overcoming hearing loss to excel in their fields has won Sonova a hatful of awards already; a silver at the prestigious Corporate Media & TV Awards in Cannes is its latest success.

Sonova’s film storytelling scoops another Cannes award

Films such as “Life without limitations – The story of Sophie Vouzelaud” , which has won silver in the category “fairs, shows, events, conference openers”, gain widespread exposure for Sonova Holding's Phonak hearing aids. In all, the film won two nominations, the other a shortlist placement in the "corporate videos" category.

Sonova films have now won at the Cannes corporate media show for the past four years. "There was strong competition this year but again we have a major success to report," underlined Patrick Lehn, Sonova's Senior Corporate Communications Manager, the figure behind the production of these successful film projects.

The portrait of top model in France, Sophie Vouzelaud, uses classic cinema technique and grammar to explore the life of a person with hearing loss in her professional life.

“Together with Sophie Vouzelaud we are delighted to have once again won prizes in Cannes. These awards are further proof of the success of our communication approach, which aims to raise awareness about the importance of hearing, to showcase role models and to encourage people with hearing loss,” explains Arnd Kaldowski, CEO of Sonova. “The film portraits give real-life examples of the Sonova Group’s corporate vision in action: they show how innovative hearing solutions can help people live a life without limitations.”

Source: Sonova


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