Deals within wheels connecting up independents in the hearing world



People in hearing need to connect to each other. Partnership deals can open up networks to thousands of independent practices, for profit or for quality care. It's a busy time for such deals within the wheels of the audiology world.

Deals within wheels connecting up independents in the hearing world

One such agreement announced this September is between AuDStandard, a US buying group that unbundles hearing aid packages in order to offer more competitive prices to independent hearing care professionals, and the online marketing platform, Hearing Tracker (HT) . This exclusive partnership means a huge boost in AudStandard's visibility as it gains access to the more than three million consumers and hundreds of new daily leads engaged by Hearing Tracker.

The link-up means the Inner Circle members of Hearing Tracker's sizeable network can be offered attractive discounts through the "unbundling" approach which, among other positives, allows practices to buy on an itemised basis, paying separately for each service offered by AudStandard. The latter firm will reap numerous benefits from the deal, among them receiving direct leads, visibility through HT's ads, improved SEO, and weekly analytics.

“At AuDStandard we are committed to helping hearing care professionals maximize opportunity and drive business,” said Tucker Worster, CEO of AuDStandard. “Partnering with Hearing Tracker puts two independently owned and brand agnostic entities together to provide our mutual members a competitive advantage in their respective markets.”

Meanwhile, Abram Bailey, CEO, Hearing Tracker, affirmed: “After getting to know Tucker and spending some time on AuDStandard’s online member portal, I am confident that AuDStandard is delivering a one-of-a-kind buying group experience.”

Finding person-centred care

Underlining the importance in the market of finding partners who will connect your organisation to their networks is another collaboration arrangement struck this September 2019, this one hooking up the Denmark-based non-profit Ida Institute to the newly searchable online directory of independent clinics. The partnership means hearing care professionals across the US and Canada will now become aware of Ida's raison d'être: the enhancement of the quality of hearing rehabilitation through a person-centre care philosophy. Ida will now be able to find many more professionals and practices to carry the Inspired by Ida label and feature as supporters of this benchmark in the directory. Listings are free to independent and non-profit hearing clinics and can be registered at this url.

“We are excited to announce the new collaboration with,” said Ida Managing Director Lise Lotte Bundesen. “This creates a unique opportunity for Inspired by Ida members to differentiate their brand and communicate their dedication to person-centered care to patients. In the coming months, we will work with the team from Hearing Health and Technology Matters (HHTM), the group behind, to actively promote the new resource to clinics in the US and Canada, and to the general public.”

From his side, Kevin Liebe, president and CEO of HHTM Group, said: "I have admired the work being done by the team at the Ida Institute for a number of years," said " was created with the mission to inform, educate and empower consumers about the importance of hearing healthcare. Through this collaboration with the Ida Institute, we can now provide independent hearing clinics a new way to showcase their commitment to person-centered care.”

Source: Globe Newswire/Ida Institute


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