The Amplifon Group acquires Conversons centres


In August this year, the Audio Sons and Amplifon groups signed an agreement to purchase the centres branded under the Conversons name.

The Amplifon Group acquires Conversons centres

This acquisition will be subject to the usual suspensive conditions being lifted. As a result, the Conversons centres will be integrated into the Amplifon network by the end of 2018.

To date, the Conversons brand has 50 hearing aid laboratories located mainly in the Paris region, but also in Normandy, Sarthe, Lorraine, and the Pays de la Loire and the region of Lyon.

Bertrand Duprez and Guillaume Flahault, the co-founders of Conversons, proudly explain that “the agreement between Conversons and Amplifon is built around our shared values of commitment to patients. By integrating our hearing centres in the network of the market leader, we are setting up the best conditions for facing the challenges that lie ahead (new regulations, concentration, relationships with complementary health insurance companies, competition, etc.). This evolution will serve the best interests of our patients.”

The Conversos brand was established ten years ago, and nurtured its corporate culture around its five core values: Entrepreneurship, Sharing, Commitment, Respect and Innovation, with the slogan: “Accessible Excellence”.

Richard Darmon, CEO of Amplifon France, explained, “we have been following the strong evolution of the Conversons group since its beginnings each of their 50 centres brings added value to the Amplifon network, because of their geographical complementarity and their professionalism. Our recent discussions have confirmed that we share the same vision of the profession, focused on finding the best result for each patient.”

The press release issued by the companies states that the merger with Conversons is aligned with the development strategy of Amplifon France, giving it a network of over 680 centres and so reinforcing its position as the French market leader of hearing care.

It should be noted that this transaction does not include the website, specialising in accessories and consumables for hearing patients, and of which Bertrand Duprez and Guillaume Flahault are retaining ownership.

Source: Audio Infos France


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