Amplifon announces growth of + 9,7 % for Q1 2018


Amplifon started the year with a revenue increase of 9.7%, according to a statement released by the group in April 2018.

Amplifon announces growth of + 9,7 % for Q1 2018

The Italian firm further explained that these good results were achieved thanks to above market average organic growth.

The company’s EBITDA (that is, earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation) was €44 million, representing an increase of 7.7% compared to the same period in the previous year.

These are figures which Enrico Vita, CEO of Amplifon, thought deserved congratulation: “Yet again, we have got the year off to a very good start. The company’s revenues and profitability increased significantly, even if it is very difficult to establish a comparison with the first quarter of the previous year. We managed to outperform the market, by further consolidating our leadership and winning market shares in the key countries, a trend that we believe we can uphold throughout all of 2018″.

Geographic success

Amplifon attributes its success to the expansion of its network. Over the period in question, the brand opened 65 new stores, and 20 retail spaces, called “shop-in-shop”. All these shops contributed to the growth, particularly in France, Germany and Canada. New stores were also established in Australia and Spain, even though the total income for new sales amounts to €25 million against €50.3 million in the first quarter of 2017.

Within the EMEA area (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), Amplifon’s revenues were just over €216.6 million. In Europe: Italy, the home country of the group, recorded double-digit growth; France and Germany were not far behind; and the Iberian Peninsula also showed good results, thanks to an effective television campaign. The Asia-Pacific area also performed well, with growth of 7.6%. The smallest growth was for the American continent, with a 3.6% increase.

Bolstered by these good results, Amplifon remains confident for the coming months. It hopes to continue to drive performance thanks to a strategic plan for 2020, which includes the launch of a new range of products, as well as an “innovative multichannel ecosystem”, which should be implemented in the second quarter of 2018.

Source: Amplifon

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