Varta Microbattery/Varta Storage focuses on printed batteries
The topic of printed batteries is now taking center stage, reports a newsletter from Varta AG in March.
As a result, electronic components can now completely or at least partly be manufactured using printed procedures. The advantages of these “printed electronics” lie in their manufacture, which is easier and more cost effective. Moreover, the application possibilities are even broader.
For example, the printed batteries are used in the booming area of food delivery services or in organ transport containers. The presentation of the Varta Microbattery/Varta Storage at this year‘s Trade Fair and Conference for Printed Electronics (LOPEC), held in Munich from March 23 to 30, showcased the new developments and projects in this area. “Printed electronics are developing constantly and printed battery technology will soon enable major innovative progress in many application areas”, says Herbert Schein, CEO at Varta AG.