ReSound wins a series of industry and innovation awards


Denmark-based ReSound has been recognized for its ReSound Smart Hearing solutions through a number of awards it received over the last few weeks.

ReSound wins a series of industry and innovation awards

In just a short period of time, ReSound has been awarded with four different industry and innovation awards in the United States and in Europe.

The first was awarded by the Consumer Technology Association as part of the CES 2017 Innovation Awards. The awards are an annual competition recognizing outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology products. ReSound ENZO2 won the award in the category for accessible tech as “the world’s only super power Smart Hearing aid.”

The second award was granted at the European Business Awards, which focuses on the most innovative businesses on the European continent. GN Hearing was placed among the national champions for Denmark. Also in Europe, ReSound’s ENZO2 won the award for Power Hearing System of the Year, and the ReSound Smartapp also won Best Mobile App of the year at the Expo and Golden Lobe awards in Nottingham, UK, organized by AIHHP.

Last but not least, the company won Die goldene Concha award in Germany from IAS (Individual Akustiker Service GmbH) for ReSound Linx2 in the BTE category, and best hearing system family. ReSound Linx2 achieved 19% of the votes cast by all experts as part of the competition that included multiple competitors.

Source: CES Consumer Technology Association; European Business Awards; ReSound UK; Individual Akustiker Service GmbH


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