Oticon Medical obtains US FDA clearance for Ponto 3


Oticon Medical has announced that it has obtained 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market the new Ponto 3 Bone Anchored Sound Processor family.

Oticon Medical obtains US FDA clearance for Ponto 3

Ponto 3 is a family of abutment-level sound processors with a fitting range down to 65 dB HL (BC).

“By extending the Ponto 3 fitting range to 65 dB HL, even more patients with conductive and mixed hearing loss and single-sided deafness can benefit from the high quality sound that is a hallmark of Oticon Medical implantable hearing solutions,” says Jes Olsen, President of Oticon Medical. “The new Inium Sense platform and UltraDrive™ deliver the output, the bandwidth and the clarity that Ponto 3 SuperPower users need to experience powerful sound quality that makes listening easy in everyday sound environments. This means that the many patients who now wear a less powerful device will be able to benefit, for the first time ever, from significantly increased output while enjoying the discreet cosmetics of our traditional power devices.”

Power the brain

With a hearing loss, the brain has to work hard to process sound signals, especially in noisy situations. Oticon Medical now introduces BrainHearing™ for bone anchored hearing systems in new Ponto 3. BrainHearing™ is about a fundamental understanding of how hearing works and how the brain makes sense of sound. The powerful Inium Sense platform and Direct Sound Transmission work together to enable BrainHearing™ and provide the audibility and signal processing that support the brain’s cognitive processes.

Enhanced signal processing power to focus and understand

Ponto 3 sound processors use the innovative adaptive FreeFocus directionality feature to help the brain focus while continuing to orient and separate sounds as users move from one environment to another. A typical user spends 70% of time in the unique Speech Omni/Focused directional mode where Ponto 3 delivers 15% better speech understanding.

More at Oticon Medical website.

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