Audibene founders join the business angels scene


After the Saarbruecker21 Berlin Business Angels group, a new business angels group has emerged, known as “The Angel Club”, which brings together the founders of German companies Audibene, Kaufda and OnVista.

Audibene founders join the business angels scene

Audibene, the German internet hearing care multi-vendor platform, was founded in 2012 by Marco Vietor and Paul Crusius and was acquired by Sivantos in March 2015. The founders of the company have now joined forces with the founders of Kaufda, Christian Gaiser, and OnVista, Stephan Schubert, as well as the investor Joachim Rennert, to create the business angels group The Angel Club.

Kaufda is as online network that publishes location-specific digital purchasing prospects on the internet. OnVista, a financial market web company, was bought by French online bank and financial group Boursorama S.A. in 2015 (itself an affiliate of Société Générale).

The investment manager Niklas Walinski is also on board with the initiative. The group aims to invest in new start-ups. The focus of the business angels will be in investments in seed and series A rounds, in other words initial product building and business model development. Depending on the size of the investment, young companies will be asked to deliver 10% to 25% to The Angel Club. So far, the Club has been involved in the video messaging app Dubsmash, as well as the car repair agent Caroobo, the relocation start-up Movinga, and the mobility start-up Evopark.

Source: Audio Infos Germany


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