UK hearing aid market: a sixth year of growth


The British Hearing AidManufacturers Association(BHAMA) sales data for thefirst three months of 2016once again show good growthover the previous year.

UK hearing aid market: a sixth year of growth

Thetotal market, from Januaryto March 2016, increased by4% compared to 2015, with386,386 units shipped duringthe three months. This is thesixth year in succession that the UK market shows a substantialincrease in the first quarter.

Audiology departments in the UK purchased 311,595 hearing aidsduring January, February and March, an increase of 2.8% on theprevious year.

In the private sector 74,791 hearing instruments were sold duringthe same period, which represents a 9.6% increase. BTEs are thebiggest seller in the private sector – taking 69% market share. Of the51,417 BTEs sold to private hearing aid dispensers, 45,650 were RICproducts. RIC sales increased by 16% from Q1 2015 and now accountfor 61% of all products purchased privately. 23,374 In-the-ear (ITE)products were bought by the private sector; down 0.3% on 2015.

Figures are compiled by the British Hearing Aid Manufacturers Association. The Association currently comprises nine companies – Bernafon UK,GN ReSound, Oticon, Phonak, Sivantos Hearing Instruments, Starkey Laboratories, Unitron Hearing and Widex – that compete to supply hearingaids to both the independent retail and public sectors.


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