"Long gone is the time when we can 'just' be good clinicians"


Eileen C. Rall, AuD, is the Program Chair for the 2018 annual meeting of the American Academy of Audiology. She introduces here this year's AAA, a gathering full of news, learning, exchange, entertainment and, of course, music!

“Long gone is the time when we can ‘just’ be good clinicians”

Welcoming thousands of my colleagues to Nashville this April as program chairFor the 30th annual meeting of the American Academy of Audiology will be one of theprofessional highlights of my career. I’ve been fortunate to attend most of the annualmeetings since they began in 1989. I consistently come away with new ideas for improvingmy practice, new information about technologies that support patient care, and, mostimportantly, reconnecting or making new connections with colleagues from across theglobe re-enforcing that I am part of one of the most collaborative, supportive and kindestprofessions there is. I am excited for the 4,000+ AAA2018 attendees to experience whatthe creative and talented academy staff, program committee, and hundreds of membervolunteers have planned over the past 18 months.

As a profession, we owe our gratitude toDr. Fred Bess, the Program Chair of the firstannual meeting in Kiawah Island, SouthCarolina, as well as the other Founders of theAcademy. The inspiration and leadership they have providedover the past 3 decades has supported our professionthrough changes in healthcare and advances in technologythat we couldn’t begin to imagine at the birth of thisorganization. In great part, because of these gatherings weare prepared to be the innovators, caregivers and leaders inhearing and balance healthcare well into the future.

Changing names

Many have asked why we changed the name of our annualmeeting. AudiologyNOW! represented an urgency for ourprofession to focus on the current state of best practiceand technology for diagnosing and treating hearing andbalance. We have come a long way over the past 3 decadesin developing the knowledge and skills needed to be the primary caregivers in hearing and balance wellness. TheAcademy’s Board of Trustees saw the name change as bothan opportunity to feature the current state of our profession,as well as a chance to position our profession, through thisannual meeting, to be strategic and forward thinking. Youwill see this refl ected in many of the sessions and it will behighlighted in the General Assembly by our President, JackieClark, PhD and President-Elect, Lisa Christensen, AuD, aswell as in our keynote address “A Glimpse Into the Future ofAudiology and Health Care”, by Jeff Goldsmith, PhD.

Congress’ highlights

By establishing the annual meeting, the Academy Foundersprovided a forum for audiologists to gather for continuingeducation and to collaborate on and debate the future ofour profession. A few years ago, we introduced “The GreatDebate”, which continues this year on the topic of “Medicinev. Technology – what is the future of our profession?”We have invited leaders in research whose presentations will focus on groundbreaking treatments of hearing lossin “Regeneration and Repair: The Potential for HearingLoss Therapeutics”. Moreover, we will host innovativespeakers that will challenge us to “Lead Like a Girl”, supportour youngest patients with the “Thirty Million Words”Project, and examine hot topics in our profession such as“Perspectives on Over-the-Counter Devices”, “Basis forAuditory and Vestibular Features of mTBI” and “Telehealth.”

Long gone is the time when we can “just” be good clinicians.In order for our profession to move forward, we need topromote the practice of audiology to our communitiesand our legislators. Attendees will be able to learn moreabout how they can position themselves to advocate andpromote our profession at the Public Relations MediaTraining Learning Lab and the Advocacy Workshop. For a funway to support advocacy in Audiology, attendees can alsoparticipate in the “Pedal for the PAC”, a biking/entertainmentevent in downtown Nashville on Thursday evening.

Representing the best of what is currently offered andnew technologies on the horizon in hearing and balancetechnologies, services and education, we will have over170 organizations sharing information in the Exhibit Hall. TheHall opens with Celebrate Audiology Wednesday evening,during which exhibitor and attendees can share informationin a fun and social atmosphere with food, music and drinks.The exhibit hall will be open on Thursday from 10:00am until6:00pm and again on Friday from 9:00am until it closes at3:00pm. Attendees can also learn from our industry partnersduring Exhibitor Courses and Industry updates scheduledthroughout Thursday and Friday.

Lots of things to do in Nashville

In addition to learning from our talented line up of speakers/presenters and exhibitors, we hope that attendees willtake advantage of the many fun aspects of our host city,Nashville. Last year, our morning yoga sold out, so I wouldencourage those interested in starting their Friday byimproving their strength and flexibility to register early forour 6:00am session. This year attendees are also invitedto join an invigorating Zumba class on Saturday morning at6:00am to get their blood pumping before the final morning of educational sessions. Along with these morning activities,there is plenty to do at the end of the day. You can have funand fundraise at such offerings as the AAAF and SAA annualevents “Happy Hour and a Half” and “Cheers for Ears.” Ahighlight of this year’s social events in the 30th AnniversaryCelebration at the WildHorse Saloon where attendees willenjoy great music, line dance lessons, and socializing withcolleagues.

No doubt one of the main reasons for the popularityof AAA2018 is the fabulous destination of Nashville,Tennessee. After experiencing all we’ve put together forattendees from April 18th through 21st, our hope is thateveryone comes away from the meeting with more thanjust new knowledge that will improve their practice. Wehope our attendees leave Nashville inspired by the wisdomof our leaders past and present, and motivated by thepassion and enthusiasm of our new and future colleagues.Our goal is that attendees appreciate the value of beingan active participant in the largest gathering of, by, and foraudiologists and, that regardless of where we assemble,the annual meeting of The American Academy of Audiologybecomes the destination.

Read this article on the AAA special AWN issue (flipbook):

And follow the congress onTwitter @Audioworldnews.

Eileen C. Rall, AuD, has been an audiologist at TheCenter for Childhood Communication (CCC) at TheChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) since1995. She received her M.S. from VanderbiltUniversity in 1987 and an Au.D. from the CMU/VUBWC distance learning program in December,2004. Along with clinical responsibilities, Eileencoordinates the multidisciplinary services forchildren with hearing loss offered through theCCC. In addition to working at CHOP, Eileenis the Development Chair for the Board ofTrustees of The American Academy of AudiologyFoundation and is the Program Chair for the2018 annual meeting of the American Academy ofAudiology. Eileen currently participates in allaspects of patient care within the departmentbut has a special interest in pediatricamplification and supporting psychosocialdevelopment of children with hearing loss.

Eileen C. Rall

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