Phonak Audéo B-Direct "Made for All": a new era of connectivity

International launch

Denmark, home of Bluetooth, wasthe specifically chosen venue forthe unveiling of the Phonak AudéoB-Direct. Hundreds of audiologists at theconference centre were joined by manymore on the live streaming of the launchof a product Phonak say is Made for All.

Phonak Audéo B-Direct “Made for All”: a new era of connectivity

Claude Diversi, Group Vice PresidentHearing Instruments Wholesale,welcomed 500 hearing careprofessionals from across the worldto the international launch of PhonakAudéo B-Direct. More than 200 Germanacousticians attended the event at the conference centreof the Bella Sky hotel in Copenhagen; they were joinedby their peers from Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary,Israel, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the US and25 hearing aid dispensers from the UK.

Diversi was joined on stage by Thomas Lang, SeniorVice President Product Marketing, and with a mixtureof French and Swiss humour they launched the Phonak‘Made for All’ hearing solution that connects to anyBluetooth enabled mobile phone. It was no accidentthat the Swiss manufacturer encroached on the homecountry of three of their rivals in Denmark for their latestproduct launch. The country renowned as the birthplaceof Bluetooth was the perfect setting for the unveiling ofthe first hearing instrument that connects directly to anymobile telephone that has Bluetooth.

Phonak Audéo B-Direct, powered by the Phonak Belongtechnology, is built upon the new SWORD 2.4GHz radiochip. Thomas Lang said, “We had to go an extra milein the digital age. You need a voice, but then we need alanguage that we understand, and the same is true for wireless communication.” He continued, “Only 10% ofthe world population has iPhones. There is no chip for allmobiles. So, we have developed our own SWORD chipwhich will be at the core of all our wireless technology.”

The SWORD (Sonova Wireless One Radio Digital) chipenables direct connectivity to any mobile phone aswell as ear-to-ear communication using only one singleradio technology. The ‘extra mile’ Lang referenced isthe SWORD chip which supports the classic Bluetoothprotocol, providing direct connectivity to any mobilewith no extra body-worn streaming device required. Asolution Phonak is calling “Made for All”.

What customers want

The stage was given to Gavin Buddis, Director Launchand Channel Development and Oliver Frank, DirectorProduct Management Mainstream to explain the maindrivers behind the SWORD chip development and theAudéo B-Direct product. Based on extensive consumer research in the US, three main drivers for connectivitywere highlighted: direct connection to mobiles, handsfreecalls and TV listening.

Whilst it may seem that everyone has an iPhone followingits introduction in 2007 iPhone market share has declinedyear-on-year. In the 50-64-year age group 10% haveiPhones, 64% have Android, 1% have another operatingsystem, 23% still have flip phones and 2% do not havea mobile at all.

Not only will the Audéo B-Direct connect directly withany Bluetooth enabled mobile phone, the product alsooffers real hands-free calling. You don’t even need toknow where your phone is as wearers can answer orreject a phone call simply by pressing the button on theirhearing aid. If the call is accepted, the conversation isstreamed instantly both ways.

The third benefit of the product is the ability to act aswireless TV headphones. Using AirStream technology,Audéo B-Direct connects wearers seamlessly to their TVsthrough the new TV Connector. This is a true plug-andplaysystem. Research on the TV connector shows thatit is 8 times easier (than competitor products) to installthe TV connector when not given user instructions.Gavin Buddis, explained that “The system can connectto multiple hearing aids simultaneously and provides 80 hours streaming – more than enough for a goodNetflix marathon!”

And for the professional?

For the professional, Phonak have focused on making thefitting easier. A live demonstration of the wireless fittingshowed how the hearing instruments were automaticallydetected by the software even though the patient was notclose to the PC. Buddis and Franks also demonstratedthe automatic detection system by wandering aroundthe stage, in and out of range of the fitting computer. Thepairing is saved and will be detected automatically whena patient returns to the hearing care centre. Oliver Franksannounced to the audience, “Welcome to the world ofMade for All. At Phonak we build solutions for everyone;today marks the start of a new era of connectivity.”

70 years of innovation

Claude Diversi reminded people of the product innovationfrom the 70-year-old manufacturer. In the last year theBelong platform was launched, followed 6 months later withthe titanium ITE, “Now we launch the world’s first Madefor All hearing aid.” Diversi introduced two testimonials.The first was a French model who is wearing the AudéoB-Direct product and the second was a hearing careprofessional from the UK. Robert Davies is owner andaudiologist at South East Hearing Care Centres and wasamong the first professionals to fit the new Made for Allhearing instrument. Davies said more than 50% of hisclients want wireless products and he has fitted severalof the Audéo B-Direct products, “It is still early days, butit really was a wow, eureka, moment,” Simplicity for hisclients, no interface between products and easier forthe fitter were the key features for Davies.

An evening of product demonstrations around a diningexperience awaited the delegates after Thomas Langshared one last video, ‘a vision of a connected future ina couple of years’… But that is for a future article.

Victoria Adshead, Audio Infos UK

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