ENT World Congress: vestibular disorders

ENT World Congress

There's no getting bored with vestibular disorders!

Conferences related to this subject during the ENT World Congress in Paris (non-exhaustive selection):

First, a keynote lecture will present the 2017 internationalclassification of vestibular disorders to inaugurate this field.Saturday, June 24, 14h, room Maillot, EQ KL01

Then, an international consensus conference on the treatmentof Menière’s disease will offer an overview of therapeuticapproaches and help identify best practices.Sunday, June 25 16h30, Bordeaux Amphitheatre, EQ ICONO01

Innovations in equilibrium testing, presented by Ian Curthoys.Monday, June 26, 9h, Bordeaux Amphitheatre, EQ KL 07

Complex dizziness in patients with polypathology, or withpresenting subclinical symptoms.Tuesday, June 27, 14h, room 351, OAV KL 05 (French)

Dietmar Basta will present current strategies for vestibularrehabilitation in chronic vestibular dysfunction.Monday, June 26, 14h, room 241, EQ RT 06

A session is dedicated to the surgical management of theendolymphatic sac for the management of debilitatingdizziness: to open, to stent, to clip or to destroy? A secondsession will offer an overview of the state of the art ofvestibular implants.Wednesday, June 28, 8h30, EQ CONTRO 01Wednesday, June 28, 14h, EQ KL 02

Hydrops is diagnosed thanks to MRI imaging. This symposiumoffers a discussion of MRI examination compared to otherdiagnostic techniques.Tuesday, June 27, 16h30, Amphi Havane OAV SYMPO 03

Hypervestibuly is a clinical vestibular hypersensitivity in patientswith chronic dizziness. Learn more thanks to a study involving613 patients suffering from persistent, chronic dizziness.Sunday, June 25, 8h30, room Maillot, EQ KL 12

Vestibular migraines often cause dizziness. A symposiumwhere several specialists from different fi elds will help you indiagnosing this condition.Sunday, June 25, 16h30, room 352A, EQSYMPO 02

Level of evidence in the medical treatment of vertigo: takinga critical approach.Sunday, June 25, 14h30, room 341, EQ KL 06

This congress offers a place of choice to ENT senses andexperiences. Attend Frank Assaban’s session to test a 3Dvirtual reality software for vestibular reeducation.Monday, June 26, 9h and 15h30 (registration required)

Read the complete article on our Audiology Worldnews’ flipbook article here:

By Dr. Elisabeth Mamelle,AP-HP, GH Pitié-Salpétriere, Oto-rhino-laryngologydepartment, Unit of Otology, Auditory Implants and SkullBase Surgery, Paris, France, and member of the SFORL.

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