Hearing implants for the developing world


The second World Congresson Cochlear Implants inEmerging Countries isheld atthe Dubai Internationalconvention center, fromthe 11th to the 13th ofApril 2017, during the ME-OTO.

Hearing implants for the developing world

Dr. Prof. Sunil NayaranDutt talks to us aboutthis event.

The meeting is conducted under the aegis ofthe academic body, Global Cochlear ImplantAccess Network (GCIAN) registered in Dubaithat aims to provide access to hearingimplants to all concerned professionals throughoutthe developing world. This meeting is organized inconjunction with the 14th Annual Meeting of the MiddleEast Academy of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery.The three day academic feast includes in its structure15 round tables covering a variety of topical issuesspecific to emerging nations in the area of hearingimplants. Topics include, for example, 1. Newborn hearingscreening 2. CI Candidacy evaluations, 3. Surgical andmapping challenges in ossified cochleae and congenital malformations, 4. Mapping and Habilitation issues andhurdles in the developing world, 5. Options for congenitalexternal and middle ear malformations, 6. Managementprotocols for Single Sided Deafness (SSD) and 7. recentadvances in electrophysiological tests for deafness.

There is an interesting round table discussion on “GlobalAccess, Mentorships, Funding and Satellite Centres” thatwould be ably moderated by Dr Andrew Van Hasselt ofHong Kong, China and Ms Nishita Mohandas of Mumbai,India.

The scientific deliberations include invited lecturesand free papers on topics covering surgery, audiologyand habilitation for deafness. The keynote address isby Prof Gerard O’Donoghue of Nottingham, UK on the topic: Global Hearing – Time for Action. It is expectedthat the meeting would be attended by more than 400professionals involved in hearing healthcare in theseregions.

The GCIAN offers scholarships for young surgeons,audiologists and habilitationists to attend this meeting.GCIAN envisages an annual meeting in various parts ofthe emerging world as the challenges and opportunitiesspecific to these regions can be suitably addressed. Thenext few meetings are scheduled in Capetown (SouthAfrica), Alexandria (Egypt), Bangalore (India) and HongKong (China).

As Chairman of the 2nd World Congress of CI in Emerging Countries and on behalf of the GCIAN, Iwelcome one and all involved in hearing health to attendthis meeting and contribute to the discussions and hencethe success of the meeting.

On the other hand, Audiology Worldnews is glad to attend the ME-OTO with a printspecial issue. To us,the gathering is an indispensable date for taking thepulse of the profession and of the latest researchtrends.

As ever, stay updated by following developments in audiologyaround the globe via @AudioWorldnews on Twitter and subscribeto our newsletter.

Welcome to Dubai!

Photos: Informa, EDP Santé

Dr. Prof Sunil Nayaran Dutt and AWN

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