People in Audiology: British audiologists' conference


Glasgow, Scotland, was the hostcity for the 2016 British Academy ofAudiology conference.

People in Audiology: British audiologists’ conference

Focussing onthe theme ‘People in Audiology’ theevent welcomed hundreds of peoplein audiology from nine countries andfrom many different sectors for the 13thannual gathering.

The annual conference of the British Academyof Audiology was held in Scotland for thesecond time in 13 years. The Scottish Educationand Conference Centre in Glasgow normallyhosts the likes of the Chemical Brothers, theRed Hot Chili Peppers and Fat Boy Slim buton the 10th and 11th November the venue welcomedhundreds of audiologists, scientists, students andmanufacturers from across the UK and abroad to thetwo-day BAA Conference.

Jagjit Sethi, BAA President, welcomed 500 delegates from9 countries to “The largest Audiology conference in the UK.” The 2016 conference programmewas purposely redesigned, with thenumber of parallel tracks reduced.The programme was focussed ongiving delegates the tools and skillsthey need to implement immediateimprovements to clinical practice.This year a series of ‘All you need toknow’ sessions were included in theprogramme. These sessions tookplace in the hour after lunch eachday and provided all the informationand tools needed to take backto departments to implement thegiven test/technique/knowledgestraightaway. Live, online resources were provided fordelegates to download as the talks happened.

BAA Conference 2016

Keynote speakers from Australia, American and homegrowntalent provided food for thought and practicalsolutions for everyday practice. There was a surprise ‘hit’ at conference. Those inthe private sector and in themanufacturing communityare familiar with the workof Curtis Alcock, but formany at the British Academyof Audiology conferencethis was the first time theyhave seen Alcock present.A hearing aid dispenserand business owner fromthe South West, Curtis hasdevoted a lot of thinkingtime to how we approachpeople who may requireaudiological help. He shares this thoughts and proposalsthrough the Audira think tank. This was the first time hepresented his ideas to BAA delegates. His presentationwas greatly received.


Disruptions in American audiology

President of the American Academy of Audiology, IanWindmill, spoke about disruptive innovation in clinicalaudiology. He talked about how great companiesfail in the face of disruptive innovations that happen.Established companies are listening to the needs of theircustomers, focussing their investments on the innovationswith the highest returns and they tend not to commit tothe disruptive technologies until it is too late. Potentialdisruptions can come in technology, delivery systems,economics, innovation and regulatory.

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science andTechnology (PCAST) and the National Academy ofMedicine have produced recommendations on hearingcare in the US that could disrupt the delivery of audiologiccare. In American audiology, PSAPs (Personal SoundAmplification Products) are a disruptive technology thatcould prove to be disruptive to the delivery system andthe regulatory framework. (Since Ian Windmill’s talk,changes have been made by the FDA).

In the US they have started the discussion about‘dispensing’. Audiologists currently do not have dispensingrights, but they are now looking at including this in theirscope of practice. It could take 20 years but with theshift in treatment to pharmaceuticals it will becomenecessary for the profession.

Read the complete report soon on the 108th issue of Audio Infos United Kingdom. Subscribe!

Photos: BAA

Victoria Adshead, editor in chief of Audio Infos United Kingdom

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