AIHHP celebrates 10 years of Golden Lobe awards


The Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals Hearing Expo 2016 and 10th Golden Lobe Awards took place at the Belfry Hotel in Nottingham in November.

AIHHP celebrates 10 years of Golden Lobe awards

AIHHP’S new Chairman, Colin Eaton, welcomed delegates to the Hearing Expo which featured a line-up of international and national guest speakers covering a broad depth of topics. Professor Marshall Chasin, AuD, Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians’ Clinic of Canada provided two keynote presentations covering ‘hearing aids and music’ and ‘musicians and the prevention of hearing loss.’ Professor David Baguley, Professor of Hearing Sciences at the University of Nottingham gave an update on tinnitus theory and practice and Dr Daniel Rowan, Lecturer in Audiology at the University of Southampton looked beyond audibility and the audiogram. Presentations were also given by key audiology and training professionals from UK manufacturers – Paul Lamb, Chris Cartwright, Chris Auty, Alison Stone and Alice Alkins.

For this special anniversary occasion, the conference featured a glittering, golden gala awards evening for the 10th Golden Lobe awards. A host of honours were given out to companies and professionals in recognition of their contribution to the association over the past 12 months, including ‘Best customer service’ and ‘Best manufacturer’. A full list of winners will feature in the next issue of Audio Infos UK.

Chairman, Colin Eaton, was also keen to highlight the award-winning members of AIHHP. He said, “AIHHP stands for true excellence in hearing care. We have out of the last nine years of audiologist of the year – sponsored by Rayovac – had four UK winners out of the nine and three out of four Ireland winners, making seven winners out of a possible thirteen in total. Two of the European Audiologists of the year have been AIHHP members.

“This year we are proud to recognise two of our members. Duncan Collet-Fenson, past AIHHP Chairman is the 2016 UK audiologist and European Audiologist of the Year and Peter Ferguson is Audiologist of the Year in Ireland. Our congratulations to you both on that accolade.”


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