EUHA 2016 congress: a trip through the show hall


With 134 exhibitors from some 19different countries over 14,000 m2, thetrade show of the EUHA Congress wasas big as ever this year.

EUHA 2016 congress: a trip through the show hall

Alongside thestands of the major players, manysmaller exhibitors made an impressionwith exciting innovations and offers.Audio Infos takes you on a trip throughthis year’s show hall.

The 61st International Congress of Hearing AidAcousticians got off to a flying start. Althoughthe opening day, at least subjectivelyand in terms of visitor numbers, is alwaysslightly behind the traditionally very popularThursday, there was already a lot of activitymidmorning Wednesday in Hall 6 of the exhibitioncenter in Hannover, northern Germany.

Widex goes Beyond

According to Peter David Schaade, CEO of WidexGmbH, the company was presenting “one of thehighlights of the event”. He was talking about Beyond.“This helps to round off our portfolio”, explains Schaade.For Beyond, we asked ourselves what the next stepcould be after the successful launch of Unique, saysBirgit Ramin, Audiology Science Manager at Widex inStuttgart. The manufacturer found the answer in no timeat all. “The next step was to create a connection withthe digital world without an accessory and to integrate2.4 GHz Bluetooth low energy technology into directstreaming with Apple products,” Ramin goes on tosay. One of the challenges here was not compromisingon any point that is important for Widex. Basically,sound quality, low energy consumption and design arepractically in Widex’s DNA. “No Widex engineer willwillingly give up on that.” This was why the Universal chipalready used in Unique systems was further developedto produce the Universal Plus chip. The Plus stands forthe TriLink concept, which is offered with three of thewireless antennas built into Beyond hearing system. Thefirst is PureLink technology, which can stream audiodata directly via Bluetooth. WidexLink, the second,ensures inter-ear communication and Dex connections.The third provides for reception of inductive signals. Fordirect streaming of audio signals from Apple products,PureLink Widex uses a decoding procedure developedin-house. This is used for optimisation on transfer of speech on the one hand, and ensures that music istransferred optimally, on the other. Here, Birgit Raminis talking about the possibility of processing the signalin two different formats in high sound quality. “We cannow optimize the 2.4 GHz Bluetooth sound signal forspeech and music separately”, she adds. PureLinktechnology impresses not only in the sound quality ofdirect streaming. The technology also reaches some ofthe best levels in power consumption for audio transfervia Bluetooth. In Beyond, this reaches 1.8 mA on averagefor standard use, with about 25% streaming time. Usersof Android smartphones can also stream audio datato Beyond hearing systems with the second integratedwireless technology, WidexLink – provided they havethe corresponding Dex accessory like the universalstreamer COM-Dex. Wireless audio transfer with thepatented WidexLink technology in combination withWidex Dex systems is virtually power neutral. On bothplatforms – iOS and Android – the user has the optionof controlling specific parameters via the app, usingthe intuitive Beyond application. Widex GmbH alsocaused a sensation at the 61st International Congressof Hearing Aid Acousticians with the presentation of anew testimonial.

EUHA congress 2016

Since Beyond mainly targets the babyboomer generation, the company wanted to find anactor and hearing system user from this generation forthe new testimonial. They called on Christoph MariusOhrt, a well-known German actor who has played incountless films and TV series, and in multiple roles atthe theatre. “For Beyond, we were looking for a young,dynamic, active person in the prime of life, someoneconnected to the digital world and who uses thistechnology daily,” says Schaade. For him, Ohrt is theideal person for this. “His story is authentic and hecomes across very well,” Schaade explains. “ChristophOhrt had the usual problems, delayed getting hearinghelp like so many people, and then with hindsight wasannoyed that he took so long. And today he wears hishearing system confidently.” Like Mario Adorf, whoremains brand ambassador for Widex, one of Christoph M. Ohrt’s greatest qualities is his down-to-earth attitude,says Schaade. Christoph M. Ohrt was not only presentat the Widex stand, but also answered questions posedby journalists during the press tour and by EUHAPresidentMartin Blecker during the congress opening.Another novelty at Widex was Unique Fashion Powerand Fashion Mini. The entire Unique range is now, likeBeyond, set up with the 2.4 GHz interface, in four pricecategories. Another innovation in the Widex programis the small wireless microphone Remote Mic. Thisitem is beneficial for users of Android systems, amongothers, in connection with Com Dex. It can be usedas a table microphone system, for instance in smallgroup situations. Users of the iPhone, however, canalternatively make use of the internal Apple microphonefor this purpose.

Unitron brings a new dimension to goodhearing

The Canadian hearing aids manufacturer Unitronpresented the world’s smallest wireless RIC at theindustry trade show. Moxi Now measures 20.2 by 6.5millimetres and is 14% smaller than the next smallestRIC system, according to manufacturer data. Theyoungest member of the design-oriented and highperformance Moxi RIC product range mainly targetsyoung, aesthetically oriented clients and is thereforewell placed thanks to its style in the Moxi series, a RedDot product design award winner. “With Moxi Now, wewere once again able to respond perfectly to our clients’needs and to create a new dimension for good hearing.The device is almost invisible and so comfortable thatthe user only has to concentrate on the beautiful thingsin life. Our partners recognized these advantages andwere very enthusiastic about our new arrival,” saysJochen Meuser, CEO of Unitron Germany, summingup the company’s successful trade show presence. Inorder to make no sacrifices in terms of functionality, thecompany invested a lot in Moxi Now. Just the casingcost two million dollars, according to Meuser. As part offurther development of the Unitron strategy “Your path to success”, made up of four components: Flex:trial,Flex:upgrade, Log It All and Insights into every-dayhearing, sales aspects were also a focus for the Sonovaaffiliate at the event, where more than 2,000 Unitronwaffles were made available. “Flex:trial” is no longer justa testing device but rather an analysis tool with whichone can carry out a hearing analysis. The device cannow track various hearing situations and analyse themsimultaneously to better address the needs of clients.“Audiologists who have adopted our advice model haveachieved great success. This is more than regular datalogging because it is possible to address changingreal-life situations more closely. It just has to be appliedcorrectly”, says Jochen Meuser.

EUHA congress 2016
The Unitron team presented Moxi RIC, the world’s smallest RIC.

Hansaton celebrates the German DesignAward

Spirits were also high at the Hansaton stand. Thereason for this was a long-awaited distinction: theGerman Design Award 2017 that Hansaton won withits soundHD S312e, the new external hearing system,with high standards in both visual and acoustic aspects.Commenting on this, Hansaton CEO Johannes Fischersays, “I am proud that we won the German DesignAward. We have been nominated many times in thepast, but we had never won.” Available in four differentperformance levels, the slim soundHD S312e hearingsystem scores points with its appearance but also withwhat is has inside: Hansaton’s HD technology. A furthereye-catcher was the new AQ HD S. The integratedlithium ion battery technology guarantees the user 24hours of autonomy after just three hours of charging. Theinnovative technology, which renders battery changesunnecessary, is protected from dust and moisturethrough the plasma-coated surface, and is thereforeIP68 certified. The new hearing aid drying systems DRYmini UV and DRY mini were also presented. They weredeveloped by Hansaton to enable medium-sized hearingaid specialists, whom Hansaton is very committed to, touse their own private label starting from a small purchasevolume. “The promise we make to our partners is to helpthem strengthen their brand locally. Through use of theirown branding on the drying system, the hearing aid useris reminded of the brand twice daily and has a positivereminder of it,” says Johannes Fischer in conclusion.

The best hearing possibilities and a varietyof wireless connections at ReSound

With the hearing system family ReSound LiNX²including a new mini-BTE, the super power hearingsystem ReSound ENZO², the paediatric hearing systemReSound Up Smart, as well as the latest wirelessaccessories, ReSound presented not only their besthearing options, but also a wide range of possibilities forwireless connections to the modern, connected worldof communication. The group presented products formost audiological needs, fromthe entry-level segment up. Inaddition, there was news abouta program for marketing supportto hearing aid businesses. “Ourvision is to be an attractive,committed, and equitable partnerfor hearing aid specialists and tosupport them with innovationsand dedication,” says CEOJoachim Gast . “We want toenable hearing aid specialists tomeet the wishes and needs oftheir clients as far as possible,to provide them not only withgood hearing, but also substantial added value. Oursmart products contribute to increasing acceptancefor rehabilitation and to reach younger target groups.”This contribution to acceptance is demonstrated by theresults of a survey presented at the EUHA congress thatReSound conducted as part of its participation at theBerlin Consumer Electronics Show (IFA) this year, andthat included more than 200 visitors.

EUHA congress 2016

Last but not least,ReSound is also happy that wireless connection with2.4 GHz used by the manufacturer since 2010 is nowvalued by an increasing number of competitors, afterconsiderable scepticism initially: ”With this congress,the last of the sceptics should be convinced that ourtechnology is the future of hearing aid connectivity,” saysJoachim Gast. “With the release of the new Noahlink, itis already the manufacturer-independent standard forwireless fitting in specialist stores. And more and morecompetitors are beginning to use it for connection oftheir products to smartphones, TVs, and other devices.The industry is following us on the 2.4 GHz band andhearing aid wearers will benefit from this considerably.”

Innovative battery andproduction technologies bythe Varta Micro Group

It is well known that Herbert Schein,CEO of the Varta Micro Group, hasconsiderably expanded the researchplans, investments, and businessareas of the battery manufacturerover the last few years. However,although the lithium ion battery wasa focus point at this year’s event,people were talking more about themanufacturer than about the batterymanufacturer. But this type of step forward would hardlyhave been possible without a battery manufacturer.The company, based in Ellwangen, southern Germany,presented a new lithium ion battery, alongside its full2016 product range. The differences compared to oldertechnologies are enormous. While the nickel-metalhydride button cell in a size 13 battery can deliveryup to 140 Wh/L, the new p13 PowerOne lithium ionbattery for hearing aids provides 220 Wh/L. However,this should be regarded as a manufacturer-specificsolution. According to Schein, “PowerOne is a new,innovative battery and production technology, and a fullunique hearing aid battery range, and the most modernrechargeable battery solution. As a partner of thehearing aid industry, trends are taken up directly fromus. We are pioneers when it comes to new technologies.And this is also true for lithium ion batteries. Today, a lotof emphasis is placed on premium hearing aid batteriesthat guarantee high safety. It is therefore essential to lookout for the label PowerOne inside”.

EUHA congress 2016

Starkey launches Synergy and Muse

At the Starkey Hearing Technologies stand, onefinds not only staff from the German branch, but alsopeople from the headquarters who have travelled fromMinnesota. Among them, William (Bill) Austin, founderand CEO of Starkey. “Being at this congress is evenmore important than taking part in other events,” saysAustin. “Here, you meet visitors from across the globe.This makes the EUHA congress a good contact pointfor us, a place where we can meet many of our clients.”Another representative from the US is Chris McCormick,Chief Marketing Officer. “We take the EUHA congressas an opportunity to launch our latest technologies onthe German market,” he says. One of these Starkeytechnologies is the new Synergy platform that canhandle five times more operational calculations than itspredecessor. Another is Starkey’s Muse, a new hearingsystem range equipped with the same chip. Muse hasalready been launched in the United States. The marketentry was “fantastic” says Chris McCormick. The groupgot outstanding feedback from audiologists as well as end users. In terms of sound quality, Muse evenoutperforms the Z series, which was already “a greatsuccess”, adds the Chief Marketing Officer. The groupnow hopes to see the same success in Germany. Thiswas an opportunity to invite large numbers of hearingaid specialists, long-standing clients, and potential newclients to find out more about the new technologies.This was done through discussions and presentationsand also at the “Innovation Centre” attached to theStarkey stand. “This helps to give a broader picture,like at the cinema,” explains Chris McCormick. Thereis a short film that let’s viewers into Starkey’s world. Forexample, one can discover quad core twin compressortechnology, which is integrated in Synergy, and ensureshigh precision and wide bandwidth for more musicenjoyment, sound quality, and maximum hearingcomfort. Also available in the Muse system is Acuity, a systemthat further improves speech intelligibility even in difficulthearing environments. For the adaptation phase, thereis also a function that helps the brain to gradually getused to the new hearing experience. Chris McCormickalso spoke about the new MultiFlex Tinnitus Technology.“This technology is found in all products that work withSynergy, so in the Muse range and in Halo 2,” says theChief Marketing Officer.

EUHA congress 2016
Thorsten Quaas and Chris McCormick

Bernafon presents results of the survey onBeFlex

At the Bernafon stand, visitors could find a lightningsketcher and much more. The Berlin branch of theSwiss manufacturer also presented its entire portfolio– including the BeFlex solution which is still uniqueworldwide. Bernafon recently carried out a client surveyconcerning BeFlex. Among the questions, the companywanted to know how Bernafon clients integrated thefitting concept into their daily activities, whether theywere satisfied with BeFlex, and whether the conceptfacilitated interactions with end users. The surveyincluded 148 hearing aid specialists in France, theNetherlands, Canada, Switzerland, and Germany. Theresults were presented at the stand in Hanover.

According to the results, 85% of responders weresatisfied with BeFlex. “This is also reflected in our day-today interactions with our clients,” says Daniela Häußler,Marketing Manager at Bernafon in Berlin. “72% of theresponders reported that the fitting time was reducedthanks to BeFlex. Clients also decided faster on the righthearing aid,” says Carsten Braun, Head of Audiologyat Bernafon. He sees this as further confirmation forthe fitting concept. Especially since the product mix ofBernafon clients who work with BeFlex seems to haveshifted upwards, based on what has been observed.“We have had feedback showing that during the BeFlexphase, clients mostly use the stronger technologyin demanding situations,” says Carsten Braun. Theidea of enabling hearing aid clients to simply switchbetween various Bernafon technology levels with asimple program change that lets them experiencethe advantages of high-value solutions has paid off.Moreover, the company has gained many new clientssince the deployment of BeFlex, says Carsten Braun.

EUHA congress 2016

Audio Service launches its fourthgeneration

The focus of the trade show for Audio Service this yearwas also new entries. What this is all about was alreadyvisible through the position of the company stand:G4. “We are now launching our fourth generation”,explains CEO Thomas Mettang. “This isn’t a revolution,but rather evolution,” he says. The idea was to furtherdevelop the proven G3 platform. Areas such as speechunderstanding and feedback management were furtherimproved to guarantee the best hearing experience evenin critical situations. “A new functionality is Comfort365,which enables automatic speech management,” saysMettang. Other examples of new G4 functions includefor example a special program for music enjoyment,an algorithm for performance in echoing environments,and effortless telephone use.

Audio Service now alsooffers CROS solutions. G4 technologies are availablein the upper three price categories for ITE, RIC, andBTE devices as well as for the quiX systems. The rangeis supplemented by a small remote control. Anotherinnovation at Audio Service is Tune. “This is a new fittingand sales concept in which the hearing aid specialist first programs the tech level in the testdevice,” explains Marketing ManagerAlmut Niederfeld. The possibletechnology levels are levels 8, 12and 16. The concept is available forall Audio Service models. Tune willprovide the manufacturer’s clients with“massive savings in terms of stocks,”says Niederfeld. One no longer needsto order the right device in addition totesting it, thanks to Tune – likewise, noneed for a full stock of Audio Servicedevices. Once the end user has madea decision, the settings programmed during the testphase can be transferred to the system, which the usercan then be given directly. In addition, Tune provides forthe possibility of a subsequent upgrade. Clients whostart with a hearing system at tech level 8 for instance,do not need to buy a new device if they then decide theywould like a higher tech level. “This also gives you anadditional possibility to stay in contact with the client,”says Thomas Mettang.

An excellent congress for Oticon

Early afternoon on the Friday, Torben Lindø was invery good spirits. “For us, this has been an excellentcongress,” says the CEO for Oticon Germany. Thefocus of the event for Oticon was Opn technologies aswell as Opn hearing systems, which the manufacturerannounced as “paradigm changing” when it broughtthem to market in the summer this year. Horst Warncke,Audiology Manager at Oticon GmbH, summed up whatmakes Opn different. He spoke about the new approachwhen implementing microphone technology, wherebydirectional microphones are no longer used as before.He talked about how the OSN scans the acousticfield 500 times per second for auditory objects, andabout the patents that Oticon has claimed for the newtechnologies. All this made the new Velox chip possible.1.2 billion operations are performed per second.“In terms of volume, Velox is probably one the mostsignificant chips worldwide,” says Horst Warncke. It haseleven cores available. But client experience is just asimportant as explaining technologies and new entries,say Horst Warncke and Torben Lindø. And the feedbackhas been overwhelming. Users of Oticon’s Opn reportthat they get more out of their hearing systems andcan better gauge distances. Opn users even noticedan improvement in hearing in quiet environments. “Wewere also able to show in studies that listening effortonce again clearly decreased in comparison to ourbest devices until now,” says Horst Warncke. “WithOticon Opn, it is possible to achieve 20% less listeningeffort, 20% higher retentiveness, and 30% more speechunderstanding. Speech in acoustically complex hearingenvironments is now transmitted to the brain much faster and much more easily than before with OticonOpn,” explains Lindø. He also spoke about the internetabilities of Opn systems. The possibility of connectingto the IFTTT platform ( opens a huge fieldof options for connectivity. “For children for instance,the device can be programmed in such a way that theparents receive a text message when the batteries in thehearing system are running low,” Torben Lindø adds.Connections to the doorbell, other household devices,and a reminder to take medications, are also possible.The connection option to currently includessome 400 providers, and the number is constantlyrising. After its launch in late summer, Opn now has twoextensions. Oticon presented Opn 2 and Opn 3 at thetrade show. Opn 1 was Oticon’s opening in the premiumcategory, and with Opn 2 and Opn 3, the manufactureris now offering new technologies in the upper middleand middle range. Not all clients can afford two premiumcategory hearing systems, indicates Torben Lindø.

EUHA congress 2016
Oticon President and COO of William Demant Søren Nielsen

This should no longer be a reason to go without Opntechnologies. With Opn 1, 2 and 3, we now have veryattractive hearing systems with their three respectiveprice categories and that are also different audiologically,which is also audible to the end users,” emphasises theCEO. Even people with hearing loss of up to 105 dB cannow benefit from Opn. At the event, the company alsoannounced a new power system with Opn technology for mid-November, namely with the known RICs Mini 100and 105. The company highlighted another importantpoint about Opn: the firmware in the hearing system canvery easily be updated with new features. “Hearing aidprofessionals can also subsequently offer their clientsupdates,” explains Lindø. “The user can thus alwaysbenefit when we bring new functionalities to the market.”Another newcomer in the Oticon range is the Comohearing systems, established in the category requiringsmall additional payments. “With Oticon Como we haveprovided a new system with performance that wasn’t yetknown in this price category,” says Lindø. Oticon alsopresented the new bone-anchored Ponto 3, offered inthree variations: Normal, Power and Super Power.

Read here the AWN EUHA 2016 interview to Roger Baumann, CEO at Sonova GmbH and here the AWN EUHA interview to Christian Honsig, CEO of Sivantos GmbH.

Photos: Innocentia / EUHA / Foto Rechtnitz

Dennis Kraus, Ivan Lovric, Jan-Fabio La Malfa, Audio Infos Germany

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