Stefan Zimmer, BVHI: “Our members cherish the relationship with acousticians”

EUHA 2016

The 61st EUHA congress has started this morning in Hanover. A few weeks ago, we have met Dr. Stefan Zimmer, chairman of the German hearing aid industry association (BVHI) since February 2015 to talk about the association and the relationship between manufacturers and acousticians.

Stefan Zimmer, BVHI: “Our members cherish the relationship with acousticians”

BVHI represents 13 hearing instruments manufacturers that are active in the German market. It supports the interests of its members and is the communications body for all issues around hearing technology, hearing impairments, and innovations in the field of audiology.

In this context, the association aims to improve the use of hearing systems by people who do not hear well, to inform the public about the performance of modern hearing systems, and to reduce the inhibition threshold against hearing aid use. Moreover, the association works towards effective cooperation with other professional groups in this fields like hearing aid acousticians, ENT physicians, health insurance companies, other vocational associations, interest groups, and politicians. The range of tasks also includes the support of education for young acousticians.

Dr. Zimmer, 2014 was an exceptionally successfulyear for the German hearing aid industry. How did theindustry fare in 2015?

Sales figures of the previous year – as well as those of thecurrent year – confirm our expectation that hearing aids are increasingly becoming a part of our everyday life. I think, wefinally can bury the myth of “stigmatization”. Acousticians,public health care and hearing aid manufacturerssignificantly intensified their awareness campaigns likethe “Better Hearing Week”, “the “Anti-Noise Day” and the “World Hearing Day”, and in this way they heightenedpeople’s knowledge about the importance of hearing aidsfor their health and quality of life.

How is the manufacturer organization BVHI fosteringthis development?

This year, we have brought the “World Hearing Day” thefirst time to Germany in cooperation with the World HealthOrganization WHO. The acousticans hailed this event,which is evident by the growing number of members andtheir participation. Together with the WHO we managedto place the subject “Better Hearing” – especially theprevention of hearing impairments – in the public. Alltogether, we have reached more than 14 million peoplevia online- and printed media, and another 8 millionpeople via public broadcast. We are looking forward tocontinue our commitment with (and for) the acousticians inthe forthcoming year 2017.

How would you describe the relationshipbetween hearing aid acousticians and hearing aidmanufacturers, in Germany?

Our association represents the producers of hearing aids,whose customers are the acousticians. Our memberscherish this relationship and take it very seriously. Theproducer-customer-relationship has evolved significantlyduring the last years. In 2016, our annual customersatisfaction survey, based on almost 1.000 individualratings, showed the highest level of overall customersatisfaction since we started this survey six years ago. Theoverall satisfaction of acousticians with the products ofthe hearing aid industry also peaked again, in 2016. Butnot only are acousticians highly satisfied with the currentproducts and services of our members – looking into thefuture the acousticians still see the highest potential formarket growth in industry-innovations. This shows a deeptrust in the innovative power of the hearing aid industry, atrust our members have earned through hard work and willsurely not disappoint in years to come.

Is there still – with view to different marketingstrategies – some kind of solidarity amongst themembers of the manufacturer association?

In the current year our members have continuedconsequently their strategies of 2015. Indeed, there aredifferences in their marketing strategies. This is normalin an open market with strong competition, and it is goodfor the market as a whole. The manufacturers do not actas a monolithic block, which would not be approved bythe acousticians anyway. Essential for our association isthat – regardless of their individual marketing – actuallyall members share unrestrictedly paramount aims: Moretransparency, better informed and optimal fitted humans.This we are sharing with the associations of our customers,the hearing aid acousticians.

What importance does the industry place on the EUHACongress and the trade fair?

I can only reiterate what I already answered last year: Thecongress and the exhibition are invaluable opportunitiesfor the industry to enter the dialogue with its customers.For many years, the Congress and the exhibition have beena tried and tested platform where not only technologicalinnovations are presented and scientific know-how isshared, but where the exchange of ideas and fruitfulcooperation are cultivated. Through all the years, theGerman Hearing Aid Industry Association has been EUHA’spartner closely cooperating in organizing these events. Thispartnership also leaves an imprint on the open-mindedculture of dialogue between hearing aid manufacturers andacousticians.

So the importance of the exhibition lies not only inshowcasing technological innovations?

Certainly the products will take center stage at the tradeexhibition: once again, we are able to showcase smallerand larger quantum leaps in technology – hearing systemswith even more user comfort, new types of connectivity,even higher auditory, visual, and haptic appeal. But that isonly one side of the medal. Innovative technology relies onwell-trained craftsmanship to fulfil the manufacturers andacousticians’ joint promise to people with impaired hearing:to provide more quality of life thanks to innovative hearingtechnology.

Photo: D.K.

Rainer Hüls, Audio Infos Germany for AWN

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