Martin Blecker: as soon as you are satisfied you stop evolving

EUHA 2016

The 61st International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians will start next Wednesday in Hanover (Germany).

Martin Blecker: as soon as you are satisfied you stop evolving

Audiology Worldnews met EUHA president Martin Blecker and talked with him about the top event of the European hearing industry.

The German Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians hasalways considered itself international. How do youjustify this ambitious claim?

The skills and know-how for providing hearing systems topeople with impaired hearing can no longer be limited to anational level. Our predecessors understood that many yearsago, and therefore created a platform that is a combinationof advanced vocational training and industrial exhibition, theEUHA Congress. The number of visitors speaks for itself,not least in terms of all the different countries they comefrom. Last year, we welcomed exhibitors and other guests from more than 90 countries, withsome 30 to 40 percent of participantscoming from non-German-speakingcountries. At our Congress, speakerspresent their studies and findings thatare important on national as well asinternational levels. Most of all, thisCongress takes up issues which allowaudiologists and acousticians to lookbeyond the horizons of routine andthink outside the box.

What is the benefit for Congressvisitors from abroad?

Due to the exchange of ideas andknow-how their work will receive new inspirations, in generalas well as in detail. With vocational, industrial and politicaldiscussions and workshops we can also learn from eachother. I prefer sharing knowledge in lectures and workshops,combined with a personal exchange, no matter if thishappens at the conference or the exhibition.Does the EUHA cooperate with other foreignorganizations in our field?

Kurt Iffland, one of our founders, took the first steps towardscooperating with vocational organizations in other countries.Apart from the VHÖ (Austria) and Akustika (Switzerland), wehave established good contacts with the “Union Nationaledes Syndicats d’Audioprothésistes Français” (UNSAF), weregularly attend the conventions of the American Academyof Audiology (AudiologyNOW!), and maintain good workingrelationships with the AEA and the “Bureau Internationald’Audiophonologie” (BIAP).

Are you satisfied with attendance numbers, from yourcountry and from abroad?

As soon as you are satisfied you stop evolving. At the EUHA,we prefer to continue to develop, to evolve. We are pleasedto hear that more than a third of all visitors are foreigners.Demand is high and we always endeavour to adjust our offerto it. For example, with five different workshops we adaptto the request of the participants for more practical issues.And, of course, we are pleased to report on rising numbersof attendees. At 7,500 delegates, the EUHA Congress hascome to be the world’s largest convention of its kind.

There is a tendency towards cost-cutting on theconvention of the American Academy of Audiology. Areyou anticipating a similar development for the EUHACongress?

It is very clear that we have to take a critical look at thecosts. On the other hand, our efforts are aimed at presentinga Congress programme on the best possible level, includingtopical advanced vocational training, modern exhibitionspace, and many opportunities for meetings and personaldiscussions. Last but not least, there should be room forentertainment, too. After all, the participants are humans andas such we can reach them not only by the senses but alsoby emotions.

Many visitors and exhibitors suggest additional venueslike Berlin, Hamburg or Munich. Wouldn’t that increasethe attraction of the Congress?

The choice of the location is not as arbitrary as it may seemat first sight. There are only three or four eligible venues inGermany due to the special requirements of the EUHA andthe BVHI. Hanover and Nuremberg offer good conditions forlectures, exhibition, service and infrastructure, and last butnot least a reasonable relation of prices and services.

As every year, the EUHA has organized a nicesupporting programme. Despite the German language,are foreigners welcome?

We all like to get together and relax after work. The eveningfor FGH partners and the Congress Get-together are idealopportunities to meet and make acquaintance with other professionals. This year’s Congress Get-together, themed“Folk & Country in Hanover”, will be held at Munich Hall(Münchner Halle) in the exhibition grounds of DeutscheMesse Hanover on Thursday night. It’s a great opportunity foreveryone to meet, have a chat, dance, and party in a casualatmosphere. Everything will be ready for an evening packedwith action, good music, and culinary treats typical of theWild West. Costumes to match the theme – in an easygoingwestern, folklore, or Oktoberfest style – are more thanwelcome. This is how the Wild West and the Oktoberfest willmeet in Hanover.

What are the main Congress issues this year?

The presentations will centre around cognitive abilities,diagnostics, the LTASS, hearing aid fitting, and laser-drivenhearing. Tinnitus as well as current issues on hearingprotection will also be discussed. Moreover, differentspeech tests and listening effort will be focussed on andthere will be presentations on cochlear implants, CROS/BiCROS fittings, measuring methods, and innovationsin power supply.

Will there be anything special this year?

Of course, there will. Professor Hélène Amieva fromBordeaux has been invited to give the first presentationfollowing the Congress opening ceremony. She will betalking about the benefit of hearing systems and theirsignificance in combating cognitive decline in elderlypeople with impaired hearing. Her lecture is based on newresults from the PAQUID study first published in October2015, a study launched by the Centre of Epidemiology andBiostatistics at the French Institute of Health and MedicalResearch (INSERM) twenty-five years ago and drawingon the results from thousands of subjects. This will be anexciting presentation offering seminal findings for our line ofbusiness.

For all smartphone users, there will be a Congress app,and, once again, we will offer a crèche for all parents whowant to attend the Congress without all the hassle. After theCongress, videos will be available in the original-languageversions; they can be watched on the EUHA website.

Photos: D.K.

Rainer Hüls, Audio Infos Germany

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