Join AudiologyNOW! 2016, with Lawrence Eng


LawrenceEng, AuD, president of the American Academy of Audiology, is looking forwardto AudiologyNow! 2016: “it will be exciting and innovative. Four days may not even beenough to discuss all topics at hand!”

Join AudiologyNOW! 2016, with Lawrence Eng

The Academy President Lawrence Eng welcomes theaudiologists, including the international visitors. “We arelooking forward to seeing thousands of colleagues fromall over the world”, he says. “The organization of the conference is in the capable hands of Joscelyn Martin, AuD. With her very creative team she will set up innovativepresentations, covering as much topics as possible fromdifferent angles and interesting to audiologists from allover the world. Besides the lectures and events, visitorscan learn about the newest technology.”

Packed with sessions

Every single day of AudiologyNOW! will be packed withsessions. Important on Wednesday, April 13, is the fulldayconference of the Academy Research Conferenceon Central Auditory Processing Disorders Evaluationand Treatment (read about Prof Jos Eggermont’s lecture). Eng: “An impressivelineup of speakers from all over the world will addressthe importance of hearing beyond the periphery. Theywill share their knowledge on the various functions anddysfunctions of the entire auditory system and on theresearch and practices in the areas of auditory processingand rehabilitation.” On Thursday, be sure not to miss OrnaDrawas, author of the book ‘Perform Like A Rock Star andStill Have Time for Lunch’. “Ms Drawas is the keynotepresenter of the program and a very dynamic andmotivational speaker”, says Eng.

Learning Labs and DiscovEARy

A novelty are the ‘Learning Labs’, to be held on the firstday of AudiologyNOW! “They offer in-depth, cuttingedgeinformation in hot topic areas, such as ‘cerumenmanagement’ and ‘genetics and hearing’. The labs aredesigned to be interactive and to afford opportunitiesfor hands-on exercises with appropriate clinical practices”,he says.

Also interesting is the DiscovEARry Zone, from Wednesdayto Friday. “It’s an interactive exhibit designed to promoteprevention of hearing loss from recreational soundexposure. In the Zone you can watch Harry Hearingteaching children of all ages and parents about thedangers of sounds and how to protect their hearing.Audiologists can learn how to enhance or expand theirpractice by using tools developed by, and available fromthe DiscovEARy Zone. There will be, among others,posters, books, models, and interactive apps for tablets.”

Meet your colleagues

The range of social events is wide. Wednesday, April 13,marks the official kick-off of AudiologyNOW! Eng: “We callit ‘Celebrate Audiology’ and it’s a fun-filled event. There’sentertainment food and you can mingle with colleaguesand industry representatives.” That same night, the ‘2016Happy Hour’ offers an opportunity to mingle with friendsold and new at the Hotel Oculus. Money will be raised forresearch in the field of hearing. Also, ‘Cheers for Ears’takes place at the Lucky Strike @ Gypsy Bar.

On Thursday, April 14, the Academy recognizes thoseindividuals who have made significant contributions to theprofession of audiology and its related fields at the ‘Honors& Awards Banquet’.

Lawrence Eng: “They inspire us to greater heights andremind us of the contributions made on behalf of personswith hearing loss.” At Friday, too, there will be a socialevent. It’s the ‘Adult Play-Date at the Children’s Museum ofPhoenix, for all audiologists who are young at heart.

Lawrence Eng is looking forward to AudiologyNOW!“There’s so much going on that four days will certainlynot be enough to cover all topics.” Besides researchand applications, audiologists will surely discuss somepolitical hot topics. One is the PCAST (President’s Councilof Advisors on Science and Technology) that voted andapproved the report on ‘Aging America & Hearing Loss:Imperative of Improved Hearing Technologies’. “The reportmakes specific recommendations regarding hearingloss and hearing technologies, that the HIA (HearingIndustries Association) strongly disagrees with. It’s abig issue.” The accessibility and affordability of hearingaids is also subject of the Medicare Audiology ServicesEnhancement Act, supported by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the American Academyof Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Eng: “TheAcademy however decided not to support the act, becauseit does not advance our goal of achieving autonomouspractice for audiologists”, Eng says. “The legislation addsan unnecessary and unacceptable level of physicianoversight to an audiologist’s ability to provide high qualityhearing and balance care.” These two domestic issueswill certainly be discussed at AudiologyNOW! Thirdly, theAcademy aims at finding funding for the position of directorof the WHO program for the deaf and hard of hearing. “Theposition is in jeopardy, and with it the coordination of theprograms regarding hearing loss, hearing

“Changes for the better”

Lawrence Eng is President of the American Academyof Audiology since July 1, 2015. He succeeded ErinMiller. Eng is director of audiology services atthe Maui Medical Group in Wailuku, Hawaii, andsenior audiologist at Advanced Pacific Hearing andVestibular. The Academy is doing well, he says. “Overthe past few years, there have been a lot of changesfor the better. We have realigned our goals, reviewedour strategic plan and are looking forward to movingon with our partners and staff.”

Flip through our AudiologyNOW! special issue and follow us on Twitter @AudioWorldnews.

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