Ida Institute Invites You to Share a ‘Selfie’ at AudiologyNOW! 2016


The Danish Ida Institute has chosen AudiologyNOW! 2016 to generate conversation and collaboration around the Big Messages. The initiative is part of the Ida Institute’s Vision 2020 project that looks at the future of hearing healthcare around the world.

Ida Institute Invites You to Share a ‘Selfie’ at AudiologyNOW! 2016

Through the Big Messages, the non-profit institute aims to create an appreciation of hearing and its essential role in helping people develop, communicate, patriciate and contribute to society across a lifespan.

“We plan to use social media to spark local and global conversations that will heighten interest and attract attention to the Big Messages not only among people with hearing loss but among the general public, policy makers, the media, professionals, employers, the medical profession, the hearing aid industry, educators and patient groups,” said Ida Institute Managing Director Lise Lotte Bundesen.

“Selfie” Video Booth at AudiologyNOW!

The Big Message Video Competition will promote hearing awareness and appreciation through social media channels using “selfie” videos designed to resonate with global audiences. During AudiologyNOW!, hearing care professionals are encouraged to stop by the Ida Institute Exhibit (#701) to create a short “selfie” video sharing personal stories, perspectives and experiences that help to illustrate the importance of hearing to individuals, families, and society. A selfie video booth will be available to record the under two-minute videos that will be streamed throughout the conference and later, via Ida’s extensive social network. All videos recorded at the Ida exhibit will be entered into the Big Messages Video Competition and a chance to win an Apple iPad®.

“The hearing care professionals who share their ‘selfies’ at AudiologyNOW! are at the forefront of an exciting initiative that has the potential to catalyze support and activity for hearing health-seeking,” said Bundesen. “Their videos will enable us to communicate the Big Messages in ways that are powerful and far-reaching and that will inspire people to carry those messages forward to their families, friends, communities, organizations and beyond.”

Source: Ida Institute

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