What are you doing during Tinnitus Awareness Week?


From 8-14 February 2016, the BTA will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Tinnitus Awareness Week (TAW) by launching the ‘Tea for Tinnitus’ campaign.

What are you doing during Tinnitus Awareness Week?

They want to get more people talking about tinnitus, about management and prevention, and raising vital funds to help us make a difference to those affected. A Tea for Tinnitus party is a great way of doing this in a relaxed social environment. The aim is simple – host a gathering for friends, family and/or work colleagues, put the kettle on and let everyone enjoy a nice cup of tea and some delicious cakes and treats.

Alternatively, the British Tinnitus Association will be using their Plug’em campaign to highlight the need to protect hearing. Audiologists can use the resources available from the BTA to raise awareness through social media channels, following, sharing and retweeting messages to reach more people who may be at risk. The damage that can be caused by over-exposure to unsafe sound levels is irreversible. The BTA want to encourage younger people, musicians, DJs, producers and anyone exposed to unsafe levels in clubs, at gigs and festivals to protect their hearing by wearing earplugs. They are not saying don’t listen – they’re just saying be safe when you do!

To get your clinics or practices involved in either campaign go to Tea fot Tinnitus or plug’em for more information.

Source: British Tinnitus Association


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