2023 Hearing Heroes hailed by Rayovac - Who are they?

Hearing care beyond the call of duty is all too rarely rewarded, many might agree. But battery manufacturer Rayovac has a history of applauding hearing care professionals who go the extra mile.

Published on 24 May 2023

2023 Hearing Heroes hailed by Rayovac – Who are they?

The RAYOVAC Hearing Heroes campaign was launched on March 3 to mark World Hearing Day 2023. An online platform gave the hearing-impaired community and hearing care industry six weeks to nominate their Hearing Heroes, practitioners whose dedication had made a life-changing impact on patients.

Nominations were received from eight countries across Europe and North America including the UK, Germany, France, Canada and the USA, with nominees earning a place in the RAYOVAC Hall of Hearing Heroes, the list of which has now been published.

And many professionals reading this will be familiar with some of the faces among these Hearing Heroes, faces such as that of Alan Hopkirk of The Invisible Hearing Clinic, Sarah Kent of the Private Ear Clinic, or Sid Sidhu of the Ealing Hearing Centre.

There are Hearing Heroes from Spain too, such as Andrés Delgado Morales of Sonos Institutos Auditivos, Patricia Fernández of Centro Auditivo Oidox, and the entire team at Audiocenter, Sevilla.

One UK-based community activist, Angie Aspinall, was nominated for going above and beyond to help empower, encourage and impart information that builds knowledge, confidence and skills in dealing with hearing loss through a Twitter community @HearingLossHour.


“A supportive hearing care community can be crucial.”


Glen Rutherford, Senior Commercial Director at Energizer Holdings, said: “It has been wonderful to celebrate and champion the transformational work of the hearing care industry and say a big thank you to our 2023 Hearing Heroes for the positive effect they have had in their community.”

“The impacts of hearing loss are broad and can have a profound effect on people’s lives. As we rely so much on communication, a supportive hearing care community can be crucial in helping someone maintain their independence and a feeling of connection to others,” adds Rutherford.

For many years, Rayovac sponsored the Europe-wide Audiologist of the Year competition, which became one of the first campaigning casualties of the pandemic.

Source: Rayovac


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