More prestigious recognition for Sonova's classy hearing awareness and product films



Once again, the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards has recognised the marketing finesse of hearing giant Sonova, two of its Life without Limitations film products capturing the jury's favour in the November festival.

More prestigious recognition for Sonova’s classy hearing awareness and product films

Silver awards in both the "Image Film" and "Marketing Films – B2C" categories were won by the Swiss group's image film "Sonova – For a Life without Limitations", which weaves together into a poignant global visual business card the stories of Sonova hearing solutions wearers, US jazz saxophonoist Charles Owens, Chinese pensioner Tao Cuiying, four-year-old French girl Léa, and Bruna, a fitness trainer from São Paulo, Brazil. Through these "hidden champions", the film "showcases how Sonova is improving people’s lives by providing the best hearing health care solutions for every form of hearing loss through industry leading audiological performance and outstanding services. It illustrates how we are constantly challenging ourselves to develop revolutionary solutions," says the manufacturer.

Watch that film here:

A Finalist Certificate in the “Branded Content Videos” category was achieved by the Sonova film “Life without limitations – The story of Natália Martins”, which follows a professional volleyball player who wears Phonak hearing aids.

You can view the Sonova Natália Martins film here:

Cinematographer Silvio Gerber scoops principal prize

Sonova created these and other award-winning titles with filmmaker Silvio Gerber, who in 2008, together with brother Flavio, founded the film production firm Filmgerberei GmbH. And one of the major accolades at This 2021 Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards recognised the body of work created by the company, whose titles encompass not only their productions with Sonova. Filmgerberei was named Production Company of the Year.

Founded in 2010, the Festival is held in the French Riviera town of Cannes, one of the world's most emblematic locations for cinema gatherings, and it annually honours the world's finest corporate films, online media productions, documentaries, and reports.

Source: Sonova


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