World Report on Hearing offensive will bolster World Hearing Day



Wednesday, March 3, 2021 brings another annual World Hearing Day, but this year’s event may boast more substance through the launch of a project to create global hearing databases.

World Report on Hearing offensive will bolster World Hearing Day

The World Report on Hearing will be launched on World Health Organisation-sponsored World Hearing Day. But experts from many countries have already been working on the project, as was announced during the recent 12th online course of the Pan-American Association of Otorhinolaryngology.

˝We hope that the World Hearing Day 2021 will be massive. All sectors can demonstrate their leadership by making this year’s event the largest one the country has ever seen,˝ the World Health Organisation (WHO) urges.

Panamanian ENT specialist Amarilis Meléndez explained that the publich health administrations of each country have been asked to become involved in working groups set up to change state policies in order to tackle the universal health issue of ear and hearing care. The idea is to create databases that feed on information from institutions providing ENT and audiology services, compiling data from diagnoses of hearing loss and the etiology of cases, including those from cochlear implants, hearing aids, and other solutions.

WHO tools will be used to disseminate the information, so that states are pressured to provide laws and protocols for hearing care. A training group is to be created to guide health personnel in organising conferences and courses for professionals, covering prevention and correct diagnosis of hypoacusis, otitis, other hearing conditions, and their treatment.

Source: Audio en Portada


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