European Audiologist of the Year 2020 cancelled



The organisers of the 2020 Audiologist of the Year (AOTY) competition have announced its cancellation. The annual quest to find Europe's most dedicated hearing care professionals has been nudged forward a year to 2021.

European Audiologist of the Year 2020 cancelled

The battery manufacturer, Rayovac, was ready for an end–of-June deadline to judge entries alongside competition partners—Audio Infos, the European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (EHIMA), and the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH). After taking stock of the situation brought about by the coronavirus crisis, Rayovac has concluded that the time is not right to promote AOTY.

"In light of the developments around COVID-19 we have taken the difficult decision to cancel this year’s European Audiologist of the Year awards," said Paula Brinson-Pyke, Director of Marketing at Rayovac.

"As COVID-19 continues to impact on people’s lives around the world, the ability to hear is a vital part of keeping people connected with friends, family and colleagues. We know that audiologists and hearing professionals across Europe are working extremely hard, under very challenging circumstances to ensure that their customers have access to essential hearing technology and audiology services, while balancing these needs with their health and that of their staff," she continued.

Those entries already received for the 2020 contest will be notified directly of the cancellation, while their submissions will be included in the 2021 judging process.

"In the meantime, we want to encourage all of our contacts to follow government and industry guidelines to stay safe. We are proud of the efforts the industry is making to ensure this, and we look forward to celebrating the exceptional work audiologists across Europe are carrying out now, in next year’s Audiologist of the Year awards," added the Rayovac executive.

Source: Rayovac


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