Lottery "win" for UK tinnitus sufferers



The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) has won a "future-proofing" grant from the UK's National Lottery Community Fund. A first-year figure of £100k will be followed by two further years of funding at a sum yet to be agreed.

Lottery “win” for UK tinnitus sufferers

The welcome finance comes from the National Lottery's Digital Fund, an £8.6m sum that will be shared between 20 different organisations. The BTA is a charity that provides support to the 7.1 million people living with tinnitus in the UK. In addition to allowing the charity to review and redesign its offer and operations, the funding means access to tailored digital and organisational support from an industry expert.

David Stockdale, Chief Executive of the BTA, said: “We’re a relatively small charity, with huge potential scope, and the grant from the National Lottery Community Fund will give us the funds and expertise to ensure that we’re meeting this demand in the best way possible.

“The grant will allow us to embed key changes to the way that our services are accessed and used in order to meet modern expectations, reach more people, better serve people living with tinnitus across the UK, and ensure we can continue to adapt in the future.”

Source: BTA


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